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Physical Therapy Embedded Within PACT
Share PrintBy embedding Physical Therapy into primary care, the Veteran can more readily access same day care for musculoskeletal, neurological, and pain complaints. Veterans are also able to receive some prosthetic items in a timelier manner improving function. Earlier access to PT offloads primary care providers, decreases referrals to specialty care and radiology improving efficiency and cost savings.
January 2008, James A. Haley Veterans' Hospital (Tampa, Florida)
157 successful, 21 in-progress
Awards and Recognition:
Diffusion of Excellence Promising Practice, VHA Shark Tank Winner
Clinical Orthotic and Prosthetic, Diffusion of Excellence, Office of Nursing Services, Office of Primary Care, Office of Rural Health, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, SimLearn, Veterans Experience Office, VHA Innovators Network

Recent Updates
2) Promote best practice by embedding a physical therapist (musculoskeletal expert) in Primary Care with the goal of improving efficiency of care for musculoskeletal cases.
3) Improve access to specialty clinics and imaging by decreasing unn ... 1) Improve Veteran access by increasing same day access and decreased wait time for physical therapy appointments.
2) Promote best practice by embedding a physical therapist (musculoskeletal expert) in Primary Care with the goal of improving efficiency of care for musculoskeletal cases.
3) Improve access to specialty clinics and imaging by decreasing unnecessary referrals.
4) Promote an interdisciplinary environment in Primary Care with the Primary Care Providers and physical therapists resulting in high Veteran and provider satisfaction. See more
3 minute video - Panel discussion regarding benefits and successes of Primary Care physical therapy.
- Reduced Veteran wait time for musculoskeletal examinations and treatments.
- Decreased downstream costs - imaging, pain, specialty.
- High Veteran satisfaction.
- Improved Physical Therapy clinic utilization and productivity.
- Reduced Community Care referrals for physical therapy.
- Improved employee satisfaction.
- Improved access to PT services and penetration rate.
Diffusion tracker
Does not include Clinical Resource Hubs (CRH)

Primary Care physical therapy is an interdisciplinary program with high employee satisfaction.
Veterans receive immediate care for common neuromuscular conditions such as positional vertigo (BPPV).
Veterans receive education in strategies to self treat their musculoskeletal conditions immediately in Primary Care.
Veterans may receive common durable medical equipment (DME) such as front wheeled walkers, single point canes and rollators in Primary Care.
12 minute video - Veteran, RN, MD, and PT discussing benefits of PACT PT at the Orlando VA.
3-6 months.
Resource Allocation 1 month.Clinic Set Up/Labor Mapping/Operational Planning with Primary Care 2 months.Rapport building/process improvement 1-3 months.
- Extended care and rehabilitation
- Radiology
- Physical therapy, occupational therapy and kinesiothology
- Primary care
- Rehabilitation and prosthetics
Core Resources
Resource type | Resource description |
- PT_Embedded_in_PACT_Fact_Sheet.pdf PT Embedded into Primary Care Fact Sheet
- Bridging_the_Gap_Embedding_PT_in_Primary_Care.pdf Bridging The Gap: Embedding PT
- Brochure highlighting Primary Care PT that sites can customize for their site and share with Veterans. Patient facing brochure for PACT PT
- Brochure that can be customized and shared with providers at your facility to share information regarding PACT PT. Provider facing brochure for PACT PT
- Updated October 2023- Powerpoint that can be used with stakeholders to educate regarding PACT PT Primary Care PT Presentation - Overview
- Guidebook and toolkit to support teams implementing PT in PACT. PT in PACT Implementation Guide
- PACT PT Business Case_June 2024 PACT PT Business Case_June 2024
Optional Resources
- National guidance document detailing 205/323 pairing for Primary Care Physical Therapy. Primary Care PT Clinic Stop Code Pairing Document
- PROMIS Tool training and implementation PACT PT Outcome Measure Training
- List of free courses offered for Primary Care Physical Therapists through the VA/APTA agreement. APTA - VA Primary Care Physical Therapy courses
Risks and mitigations
Risk | Mitigation |
Dedicated space within Primary Care Clinics | A standard patient exam room is adequate to provide services. One PT FTE to 4 PACT teams (12-16 providers) has been demonstrated to be adequate. |
Comments and replies are disabled for retired innovations and non-VA users.
Email VHACIHPACTPTDiffusionTeam@va.gov with questions about this innovation.
Origin story
Original team
Brandon Peterson
PT Sioux Falls VAMC
Ashley Cassel
PT Minneapolis VAMC
Chris Rowedder
PT Central Iowa VAMC
Amanda Simone
PT, VISN 23 Rehabilitation and Extended Care Program Manager
Evan Kelley
PT, Associate Chief Sensory and Physical Rehabilitation Service
TN Valley (TVHS) started this perhaps a year or so ago. We have Dr. Michael Morris here at Charlotte Ave Clinic, a CBOC in Nashville, TN. The program is excellent and Dr. Morris is truly one of the BEST PTs there is. His professionalism and skillset cannot be matched. He is a perfect fit for this Veteran population and an asset to our PACT and TVHS. ALL VAs deserve PACT PT and a Dr. Morris.
Check out our updated marketplace site with links to the most up to date resources available. Contact us with any questions or if your site would like to enroll in to our next PACT Cohort group scheduled to kickoff Spring 2024.
I am a new primary care physical therapist in a facility that is adopting this in the clinic. I can not access the resources provided above is there a way that these could be emailed?
sent via email, please feel free to contact us at VHACIHPACTPTDiffusionTeam with any additional questions
I am CBOC Manager that wants to expand my services in my area
Fantastic! If there is anything specific we can do to support you please let us know.
Boise VA Medical Center completed trial of this practice in 2019, implementing at main VA facility and Caldwell CBOC in 2021.
Really interested in gaining access to these resources. It appears the links aren't active at this time, could they be sent to jonathan.little1@va.gov Thank you!
Hi Jonathan, I apologize for not seeing this previously. I will email you. Links should work in CHROME.
I can't open the first link fact sheet for embedding PT in Primary Care but the others work.
Hi Gregory, I can email it to you quick.
I am interested in implementing this practice at our facility, but I cannot access support material for some reason. It shows a bunch of code and access denied. Any help would be appreciated!
Christopher, have you been able to access? I will also send an email
We have had this running (1/2 FTE) at Battle Creek, MI VA for roughly 18 months!
Page looks great, thanks for the info.
Great news!
Here at the Pittsburgh VA we have been implementing this into our clinical practice for the past year.
Please contact any of us for additional support in implementation.