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Diffusion map

Explore how innovations are being adopted across the country. There are currently 3744 successful adoptions, 961 in-progress adoptions, and 29 unsuccessful adoptions.



Innovation Open facility status modal status


Facility Open visn info modal VISN

Veterans Integrated Services Networks are regional systems of care within the Veterans Health Administration.


Healthcare facility Open facility complexity modal complexity level

1a-Highest complexity

Healthcare facilities with high volume, high risk patients, most complex clinical programs, and large research and teaching programs

1b-High complexity

Healthcare facilities with medium-high volume, high risk patients, many complex clinical programs, and medium-large research and teaching programs

1c-Mid-High complexity

Healthcare facilities with medium-high volume, medium risk patients, some complex clinical programs, and medium sized research and teaching programs

2-Medium complexity

Healthcare facilities with medium volume, low risk patients, few complex clinical programs, and small or no research and teaching programs

3-Low complexity

Healthcare facilities with low volume, low risk patients, few or no complex clinical programs, and small or no research and teaching programs

Healthcare Facility Complexity Levels

Healthcare facility rurality



650 healthcare facility matches (of 650)

159 innovations matched (of 159)