Primary Care (PC) oversees program and policy related to the delivery of primary care in VHA, as well as implementation of VHA’s patient-centered medical home model, the Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT). VA Primary Care honors America’s Veterans by providing quality and accessible primary care to all Veterans through PACT, placing the Veteran at the center of their health care team. Primary Care promotes team based, patient-centered care that focuses on a personalized, integrated, comprehensive and coordinated approach to health care. Primary Care actively partners with other Program Offices to develop and evaluate innovative programs that integrate VHA resources into the PACT model.
Advance Care Planning via Group Visits Program
Increasing Veteran and caregiver motivation for advance care planning
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Coordinated Access to Reduce Exacerbations (COPD CARE)
Empowering interprofessional care teams to optimize COPD management.
Colorectal Cancer Screening with Programmatic Mass Mailed FIT
Mass-mailing colorectal cancer screening kits (FIT) directly to Veterans
Contraception on Demand
Expanding contraceptive access via pharmacy consults and 12-month supply
CPRS Booster/Robotic Employee Accelerator
Booster: Turbocharging employee work efficiency while dramatically improving work satisfaction! Goodbye Burnout!
Breaking barriers to improve the care for Veterans with Diabetes.
Enhancing quality of care by communicating health needs collaboratively
Increasing Access to Primary Care Using Pharmacist Providers
Pharmacists open access by shifting appointments & saving time.
Intermediate Care Technician (ICT)
To augment the VA workforce with former military combat medics, medical technicians, and corpsmen in a unique health care role that: Utilizes their vast array of clinical skill-sets for Veteran care; Decreases overall visit waiting times and improve access to healthcare to make the VHA the “treatment of choice;” and, Improves the transition of this highly trained and skilled work force from DoD to Veteran care with a career pathway for professional healthcare roles.
One View - Streamlining Healthcare Operations with a Unified Dashboard for Multi-Facility View Alerts
Quickly see view alerts from all sites of patient care in one spot.
Physical Therapy Embedded Within PACT
Embedding PT in PACT improves access to care, function, and Veteran satisfaction by providing immediate care and reduces community care and cost.
Preventing Post-Operative Readmissions with Surgical Safety Net
Enhancing Experience & Reducing Re-Admissions for Veterans Having Surgery