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Advance Care Planning via Group Visits Program
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ACP-GV engages Veterans, caregivers and those they trust in advance care planning by facilitating a group discussion that elicits personal experience(s) and encourages participants to identify a 'next step' to take in the process of planning for future health care needs.
VA sites can implement quickly with resources available on the ACP-GV SharePoint site: https://dvagov.sharepoint.com/sites/VHAadvance-care-planning-via-group-appointments
Community partners can learn more on the VA Social Work website: https://www.socialwork.va.gov/ACP_GV.asp
January 2012, Eugene J. Towbin Healthcare Center (North Little Rock)
71 successful
Awards and Recognition:
QUERI Partnered Evaluation Initiative, VHA Shark Tank Winner, Office of Rural Health Enterprise Wide Initiative, Diffusion of Excellence Promising Practice, Rural Promising Practic ... QUERI Partnered Evaluation Initiative, VHA Shark Tank Winner, Office of Rural Health Enterprise Wide Initiative, Diffusion of Excellence Promising Practice, Rural Promising Practice
Blind Rehabilitation, Caregiver Support Program, Care Management and Social Work Services, Diffusion of Excellence, Geriatrics and Extended Care, Health Services Research & Development, Office of Primary Care, Office of Rural Health, Patient Centered Care and Cultural Transformation, Quality Enhancement Research Initiative

Recent Updates
Supporting publications included below.
- Resource list of published works related to ACP-GV within VHA ACP-GV Evaluation Publications
- 90% of ACP-GV participants report an increase in knowledge after group.
- ACP-GV participants are roughly twice as likely to complete an advance directive form, when compared to those who participate in traditional, one-on-one ACP conversations,
Diffusion tracker
Does not include Clinical Resource Hubs (CRH)
What's Your Plan? National Advance Care Planning via Group Visits (ACP-GV) Program
Determine if you want to adopt ACP-GV in your system of care -
Take action to implement ACP-GV at your site -
Veterans and caregivers are attending group; access to ACP-GV is spreading within your health system -
ACP-GV is well established and integrated within the culture of your health care system
- Social work
- Telehealth
- Primary care
- Whole health
Core Resources
Resource type | Resource description |
- ACP-GV facilitators must use the ACP-GV participant worksheet during the group session and record responses to the worksheet within the participant’s medical record. Responses are used to assist participants in setting a SMART goal and should be referenced during the follow-up contact with the participant. Responses can also be used to measure efficacy and for quality improvement. ACP-GV Participant Worksheet
- ACP-GV facilitators use the ACP-GV Fidelity Instrument as a guide during the group session to assist the group facilitator with covering core components. In addition, the ACP-GV Fidelity Instrument can be used by an observer for training purposes or to offer feedback to ACP-GV facilitators. ACP-GV Fidelity Instrument
- This video depicts an ACP-GV group, including specific core components of the group which are required to maintain fidelity to the ACP-GV model. Advance Care Planning via Group Visits (ACP-GV) Training Video
- (Updated content coming soon) ACP-GV Training for non-VHA staff ACP-GV Facilitator Training
- (Updated content coming soon) ACP-GV Trainings for non-VHA staff ACP-GV Site Lead Training
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Email VHASWACPGVProgram@va.gov with questions about this innovation.
Origin story
Original team
Kimberly Garner, MD, JD
National ACP-GV Program Lead and VISN 16, Rehabilitation and Extended Care Lead
I'm still in the process of adopting. It's a bit slow but hope to be up and running by Feb. 2022!
We have had ACP-GV at NF/SG since 2017!!!
Working to implement this in Feb 2021
We are practicing ACP-GV here at ECHCS!
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