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A logo showing features of the Surgical Safety Net, including: 24/7 phone help; Virtual evaluations; Preop Optimization; Preparing Safe Home for Recovery; Phone and text reminders; and Ensuring Postop Compliance

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Preventing Post-Operative Readmissions with Surgical Safety Net

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Readmissions after surgery negatively impact lives of Veterans and Institutional quality metrics. In 2019 VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System (VAPHS) was facing persistently elevated rates of surgical readmissions. We created a Surgical Safety Net that not only reduces readmissions but also enhances veteran perioperative experience.

This innovation is replicating across multiple facilities as its impact continues to be validated. See more replicating innovations.


1 successful, 8 in-progress

Awards and Recognition:

Joint Commission Recognized Best Practice Initiative, VHA Shark Tank Winner, Promising Practice VISN 4 , Presented at FY2024 NSO Leadership Conference


Anesthesiology, Care Management and Social Work Services, Office of Primary Care, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Surgery

Contact Team



Readmissions after surgery negatively impact lives of Veterans and Institutional quality metrics. In 2019, VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System (VAPHS) was facing persistently elevated rates of surgical readmissions. We needed a process to reduce readmissions. The Interdisciplinary Medical Preoperative Assessment Consultation and Treatment Clinic (IMPACT) leads t ... See more


We built a high-reliability process within IMPACT to identify at-risk patients using our prediction model. The Nurse Navigator connected veterans to existing but underutilized resources to prepare themselves, their caregivers, and their homes for post-operative care. She also made calls on post-discharge days 2, 5, 14, and 30. Veterans were given a 24/7 dedi ... See more


From October 2019 to October 2022 SAIL readmission rate improved from 11.2 to 8.4 and rank improved from 52nd to 40th among the 126 VAMCs (P=0.012), demonstrating a clinically meaningful improvement that is statistically significant.

NSO readmission rate fell from 14.7% to 12.7%, approaching statistical significance (P=0.065).

Since the program’s incep
... See more


This graphic depicts quarterly SAIL readmission rates at VAPHS from FY19 to FY22. The rate peaked at 11.2% in Q3 of FY20, which is also the time that the Surgical Safety Net program was launched (marked with an arrow on the graphic). The graph shows that the readmission rates fell after program implementation to 8.4% in Q1 of FY22. Annotations on the image show that VAPHS readmission rate quintile fell from 4th to 2nd over this timespan.

Change in Surgical SAIL readmission rates following program launch

This graphic depicts quarterly NSO readmission rates at VAPHS from FY19 to FY22. The rate peaked at 16.3% in Q3 of FY20, which is also the time that the Surgical Safety Net program was launched (marked with an arrow on the graphic). The graph shows that the readmission rates fell after program implementation to 12.7% in Q1 of FY22.

Change in NSO readmission rates following program launch


  • Readmissions rates by SAIL and NSO
  • Patient/provider satisfaction
  • Cost Savings

Diffusion tracker

Does not include Clinical Resource Hubs (CRH)




Rationale and Testimonials for the Surgical Safety Net



  • November 2019
    IMPACT team was tasked to find a solution to the high readmission rate problem
  • By December 2019
    * Initiated Surgical Readmission Prevention Task Force with part time commitment from IMPACT team members (1 physician, 3 registered nurses(RN), 1 quality and safety nurse)
    * Developed 8-point Readmission Prediction Model by chart review which included: Frailty, Alcohol use, Tobacco use, Diabetes, social issues, Caprini score, MELD score, high risk surgery.
  • By February 2020
    A dedicated Nurse Navigator(NN) Position was created to implement the process by:
    * Identifying and contacting high risk patients before surgery
    * Providing a 24/7 contact number to the Veteran
    * Arranging VA Video Connect(VVC) training for the Veteran
    * Consulting Ancillary services which included Physical Therapy, Social Work and Goals of Care teams
    * Providing wrap-around care by making and documenting phone calls on post-discharge days 2, 5, 14 and 30 and documenting in the chart
    * Addressing problems by contacting the surgical Point of Contact (POC) through medical chart for less acute issues and by telephone for urgent issues
  • By March 2020
    * Secured buy in from Surgical Service line to provide points of contact for each surgical service
    * Covered phoneline after-hours by leveraging the existing Surgeon on Duty
    * Collaborated with Ancillary services
    * Developed Protocols and Templates
  • By April 2020
    Phase 1 roll out of three surgical services with highest readmissions
  • By September 2020
    Phase 2 roll out to all surgical services
  • By November 2020
    Phase 3 roll out of unplanned inpatient and inter-hospital transfer surgeries
  • Started Sept. 2022
    Multidisciplinary Clinic (MDC)
    The purpose of this subset clinic within the Surgical Safety Net Clinic is to provide a more extensive multi-disciplinary evaluation for highest risk patients based on IMPACT providers IMPACT Comprehensive Assessment. This meeting takes place via VA Video Connect and happens prior to surgery. We tailor the MDC appt. to meet each veterans specific needs. Examples of participants: veteran, Impact provider, surgeon, social work, prehab, nutrition, pain management, behavioral health and goals of care. We strive to meet each veterans specific needs prior to surgery to give them the best outcomes after surgery and a smooth surgical journey.
  • April 2024
    Surgical Hospitalist Team : A bridge between Impact and Surgical Safety Net
    -Provides optimization for inpatient transfer patients.
    - Ensures smooth discharge process
    -Facilitates post discharge follow up visits
    -Consults Surgical Safety Net for complex discharges


  • Anesthesia
  • Discharge planning
  • Nursing services
  • Information management
  • Orthopedics
  • Palliative and hospice care
  • Physical therapy, occupational therapy and kinesiothology
  • Social services

Core Resources

Resource type Resource description
  • Physician to oversee program 0.25 FTE
  • Nurse Navigator 1.0 FTE
  • Administrative Support (may be able to leverage existing resources)
  • Dedicated phone line
  • VVC (tele-medicine) resources
  • Computer support for Nurse Navigator (office and home), including VPN access
  • Surgical Safety Net protocols (can leverage protocols created by VAPHS)
  • Hot spot in rural areas to enhance connectivity (as needed)
  • Virtual assessment equipment like personal cell phone or VA issued iPad for some patients (returnable)

Support Resources

Resource type Resource description
  • Protocols and templates developed for Surgical safety net at VAPHS

Risks and mitigations

Risk Mitigation
Identifying point of contact for surgical service Pitched project to surgery section chiefs, who identified points of contact who are CRNPs or PAs. They helped with fielding surgery specific questions and suggest solutions without coming in to the Emergency room whenever possible.
After-hours phone coverage Surgery VP authorized Surgeon on Duty to cover the hotline after hours. Because vast majority of calls occurred only during regular business hours, this was manageable to the Surgeon on Duty.
Workload management Allocated 1 FTE RN from existing team as the Nurse Navigator, with minimal coverage by 2 other RNs
Veteran inexperience and hesitancy with VVC equipment Collaborated with Telehealth department to educate and train Veterans to use VVC equipment at the time preoperative visit or through virtual visit.



Comments and replies are disabled for retired innovations and non-VA users.

VA User (Physician) posted

Recommend adoption nationwide


Wonderful work by this VAPHS team. I am the VAPHS Precall Registered Nurse in Same Day Surgery and utilize the High Risk for Surgical Readmission Patient Record Flag posting in my daily work to guide Veteran centered care.

VA User (RN) posted

Amazing work! A great demonstration of veteran centered care.


Incredible work!

VA User (Utilization Management (RN)) posted

Love the interdisciplinary aspect of this as well as putting the patient in the center of care!

VA User (UM Nurse Manager) posted

A great example of collaboration between expertise and common sense. Simply brilliant!

VA User (Surgical Quality Improvement) posted

Excellent interdisciplinary work! Fabulous clinic concept for optimizing the care of surgical patients throughout the spectrum of care both pre & post op.

VA User (Nurse Practitioner) edited

So very helpful for one of our most vulnerable populations! Thank you for all your hard work!

VA User (Physician) Innovation adopter posted

Great work by everyone on the team!!

VA User (Opthamologist) posted


VA User (CRNP) posted

So proud to be apart of the IMPACT team!

VA User (Anesthesiologist) posted


VA User (CRNA) posted

This is a win on so many levels! Thank you!



Email with questions about this innovation.


Origin story

VAPHS Chief of Staff raised a concern about readmission rates for the Surgery Service Line (SSL), and IMPACT team, which is already providing comprehensive preoperative optimization, accepted the challenge. Our team reviewed the readmissions at our institution for the past 3 years and realized that a big percentage of them are avoidable reasons. We also fe ... VAPHS Chief of Staff raised a concern about readmission rates for the Surgery Service Line (SSL), and IMPACT team, which is already providing comprehensive preoperative optimization, accepted the challenge. Our team reviewed the readmissions at our institution for the past 3 years and realized that a big percentage of them are avoidable reasons. We also felt that lack of compliance with follow up visits as well as poor communication led to poor outcomes. We needed a strong program to reduce these avoidable readmissions and enhance patient compliance and improve communication. We put together a small team and included 3 surgical services that had high readmission rate as our initial group and over the year extended it to all surgical services.

Original team

Visala Muluk MD

Section Chief, IMPACT Clinic

Mindy Shuttleworth RN & Tonya Ledford RN

Surgical Safety Net Nurse Navigators

Jocelyn Scanlan RN

Quality and Patient Safety Nurse

Jenny Hartzell

Nurse Manager, IMPACT

Karen Wolfe

Assistant Nurse Manager, IMPACT

Kelly McCoy MD & Lindsey Herlinger RN

Surgical Service Line leaders

Pam Malicki RN

Clinical Nurse Coordinator, IMPACT