The mission of the VEO is to enable VA to be the leading customer service organization in government so that Veterans, their families, caregivers, and survivors choose VA. VEO implements solutions based on Veteran-centered designs and industry best practices, while aligning VA services with the Secretary’s five priorities.
Billing Resolution Center
Billing resolution center highlighting "Own the Moment" principles
Building and Sustaining effective Veterans Family Advisory Councils- Workshop (VFAC)
Veteran and family perspective integrated into VA services at all levels
Moments That Matter: Inpatient Discharge Experience Training
Improving the Veteran Inpatient Discharge Experience through VR
My Life, My Story (MLMS)
Listening to Veterans. Honoring their stories.
Physical Therapy Embedded Within PACT
Embedding PT in PACT improves access to care, function, and Veteran satisfaction by providing immediate care and reduces community care and cost.
Remembering Our Veterans: A "Living History" Video Memoir Program
Video Memoir Program Helping Veterans Preserve Their Precious Memories.
Stay In VA
Improving employee retention through employee engagement.
The Final Salute/Final Mile Program
Raise awareness of deceased unclaimed Vets by rendering military honors
Veterans Socials: Veteran Outreach Into the Community to Expand Social Support (VOICES)
Veterans Socials are a low-cost community-based peer-led intervention designed to connect Veterans to one another and the community, while promoting access to information, community services, and VA health care through interactions with knowledgeable Veterans who host these events.