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The Final Salute/Final Mile Program
Share PrintProvide a Motorcycle Escort for unclaimed Veterans to Florida National Cemeteries. Our mission is to Honor the fallen, and their service to our country. Support from the James A. Haley ELT and Community Partners have grown this program exponentially with over 25 unclaimed Veteran Escorted to their final resting place.
February 2019, James A. Haley Veterans' Hospital (Tampa, Florida)
5 successful, 1 in-progress
Veterans Experience Office

Recent Updates
We have not been able to identify a standardized practice for care of deceased unaccompanied Veterans.
We are needing assistance from staff responsible for all inpatient facilities that have pot ... Veterans passing away at Veterans Affairs facilities or VA authorized care facilities without the availability of next of kin to assist in a dignified burial.
We have not been able to identify a standardized practice for care of deceased unaccompanied Veterans.
We are needing assistance from staff responsible for all inpatient facilities that have potential of having a Veteran pass away without representation of next of kin. See more
- Overview, process, replication Business Case
- To date, with just five facilities participating, over 50 Final Mile ceremonies have been performed.
Diffusion tracker
Does not include Clinical Resource Hubs (CRH)
Vets helping vets: Unclaimed Marine gets rolling final tribute
- Admissions
- Social work
- Patient advocates
- Chaplaincy
- Logistics
- Administration
- Patient services
- Benefits
Core Resources
Resource type | Resource description |
- Step by Step process how to get FMP started in a VA facility. Final Mile Toolkit
Comments and replies are disabled for retired innovations and non-VA users.
Email linda.rivera2@va.gov with questions about this innovation.
Origin story
Original team
David Allen
Biomedical Engineering Tech
Nicolas Morales
Veteran Experience Office, Program Support
Robert Lynch
Veteran Experience Officer
Robert J Dole VA has adopted the Final Mile process.
The Robert J Dole VA Medical Center in Wichita, KS is in-progress of adopting this innovation!
Robert J Dole VAMC Has implemented the Final Mile program here in Wichita, Working with Decedent Affairs along with Local Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association 21-3, VFW Riders and Legion Riders. We completed a 2nd Escort mission to the Winfield Veteran's Cemetery on 28 Feb 24 News article from 1st Mission in Sept 2023. https://www.kwch.com/2023/10/10/final-mile-more-than-100-gather-honor-veteran-with-no-living-relatives/?fbclid=IwAR3ObKWiriOTNhN__pMMGg_1jymMVXhg6NkV2LOy4LHN8T263FSvPKPkG1E_aem_AVvPHJ8ErcVipnXJZg3xjtL5EwuIPK6ltUfIpC6sYlDYnsQaXvRMfB7a8SeCzUBzVcc