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Geriatrics and Extended Care

Advance Care Planning via Group Visits Program

Increasing Veteran and caregiver motivation for advance care planning

Created by the Eugene J. Towbin Healthcare Center (North Little Rock)

BRAVe Home Meds (Boxed, Reconciled, Assistance at Veterans Home for Medications)

BRAVe = Boxed Reconciled Assistance At Veterans Home for Medications

Created by the Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center (Aurora Rocky Mountain)

Caring for Older Adults and Caregivers at Home (COACH)

Home-based dementia care - Age-Friendly Committed to Care Excellence

Created by the Durham VA Medical Center


Gerofit: is a group-based exercise program for older Veterans that is individually tailored to improve functional deficits. Classes are offered virtual and in person at select facilities.

Created by the Durham VA Medical Center

Improving Communication in Home Based Primary Care

Improving communication within the HBPC team directly impacts the Veterans and caregivers served.

Created by the James H. Quillen Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center (Mountain Home, Tennessee)

Remembering Our Veterans: A "Living History" Video Memoir Program

Video Memoir Program Helping Veterans Preserve Their Precious Memories.

Created by the Rocky Mountain Regional VA Medical Center (Aurora Rocky Mountain)


Getting hospitalized Veterans back on their feet

Created by the Durham VA Medical Center

VA Geriatric Emergency Department Program (Previously GERI-VET)

We provide individualized evaluation targeted at identifying geriatric syndromes in our most vulnerable older veterans.

Created by the Louis Stokes Cleveland Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center (Cleveland, Ohio)

VIONE - Medication Optimization and Polypharmacy Reduction Initiative

VIONE deprescribing methodology uses 5 filters: Vital Important Optional Not indicated Every medication has an indication. Project was launched in 2016 and has been successfully implemented across various national and international health care communities. Has won several national and international awards, and has impacted over 1,000,000 Veterans.

Created by the Eugene J. Towbin Healthcare Center (North Little Rock)