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SCOUTS (Supporting Community Outpatient, Urgent care & Telehealth Services)
Share PrintSCOUTS is an acute, episodic care program focused on older or medical complex, community dwelling adults identified at high risk for functional decline, falls, or hospitalization who have visited a VA or community Emergency Department (ED) or in association with a VA acute care telehealth visit. SCOUTS utilizes Intermediate Care Technicians (ICTs) to support acute care and care transitions by ensuring unmet care needs, geriatric syndromes, 4Ms of Age-Friendly Health System, social determinants of health, and digital divide concerns are addressed in an acute time frame. ICTs serve as Telepresenters in the Veterans home as a provider performs a telehealth visit.
December 2020, Office of Primary Care
10 successful, 5 in-progress
Awards and Recognition:
Office of Rural Health Enterprise Wide Initiative, Society of Academic Emergency Medicine 2022 Best Faculty Geriatric Abstract, Diffusion of Excellence Promising Practice, VHA Shar ... Office of Rural Health Enterprise Wide Initiative, Society of Academic Emergency Medicine 2022 Best Faculty Geriatric Abstract, Diffusion of Excellence Promising Practice, VHA Shark Tank Winner
Emergency Medicine, Geriatrics and Extended Care, Office of Connected Care, Office of Primary Care, Office of Rural Health

Recent Updates

ICT Performing Screens During a Training Simulation
- VA Age Friendly Health Systems Initiative VA Age Friendly Health Systems Initiative
- VA News article VA Emergency Departments Ready for Older Veterans
The SCOUTS home visit allows ED providers to discharge patients from the ED with confidence, knowing their upcoming SCOUTS home visit will provide acute follow up in the home with the ICT acting as a telepresenter, which is typically not available unless a patient is already enrolled in a home-based primary care program. Additionally, this program serves Veterans who may not meet eligibility for Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) home based primary care as they require episodic rather than longitudinal care, but still benefit from home safety evaluations and in home observations for acute conditions. This program has been especially beneficial to frail rural Veterans whom lengthy travel to a VA medical center can lead to further functional decline. It allows the Veteran to experience the convenience of telehealth care with an acute care provider, without missing out on the benefits of an in person visit through telehealth technology such as virtual wound cameras and tablet connected devices such as otoscopes and stethoscopes. The in-person home visit also allows for minor procedures to be performed such as suture removal. See more
- Palo Alto SCOUTS SCOUTS Pilot streamlines care for older Veterans
- Local news feature story VA Western Colorado Implements SCOUTS Program
- Local news feature story VA Adds New Program to Help Veterans
- Local news feature story U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs' visit highlights VA's new program for high-risk vets
- VA News article Caring for older Veterans at home after emergency visits
SCOUTS ED patients had higher frailty scores and were more likely to have prior 30 day hospitalization and prior ED visit compared to a cohort including all ED patients age 65+. Propensity matched SCOUTS patients were more likely to be discharged home from the ED (admit rate 3.5% vs 21.2% p<0.001) and less likely to be admitted to the hospital in the next 30 or 90 days (11.7 vs 26.9% and 20 vs 32.5% respectfully). When also matched for admission status, discharged SCOUTS patients had lower rates of 72-hour ED return visits (1.5% vs 5.2%p<0.001) and were more likely to receive durable medical equipment (50.7% vs 34.7%, p<0.001) and a referral to outpatient social work to access VA and community services (15.6 % vs 10.8 %, p<0.01). As of January 2025, more 3200 Veterans have been served by the SCOUTS program. See more

SCOUTS Patient and Spouse
- Feasibility study outcomes Telehealth for geriatric post-emergency department visits to promote age-friendly care
- VA Insider Story Trust in the field, trust at home
- Number of Veterans served
- Emergency department revisit rates
- Hospital admission rate
- Number and type of Veteran connections to VA services
- Community emergency department usage
- Veteran and caregiver satisfaction
Diffusion tracker
Does not include Clinical Resource Hubs (CRH)
1 month
Identify physician medical director and Intermediate Care Technicians who will participate in the program (if you need to create new positions expect this step to take 6-9 months) -
1-3 months
Develop workflow for identifying and tracking eligible SCOUTS patients and coordinating with acute care providers for telehealth portion (this may involve changing ED, telehealth, or follow up practices, creating new clinic codes or consults) -
1-3 months
ICTs complete SCOUTS block training modules: geriatric emergency medicine, homecare, and telehealth plus competency verification (timeline may be shorter if ICTs have already completed training and competency verification on geriatric ED screens and minor procedures or have attended the SimLearn Foundational ICT course for Emergency Medicine) -
1 month
Work with Clinical Application specialists to upload SCOUTS electronic template notes and test for local usability -
1-3 months
Socialize program with services who will receive consults or follow up requests as a result of SCOUTS screenings (eg prosthetics, physical therapy, primary care team members (social work, nurse case managers, primary care, pharmacists), geriatrics) -
1 month
Obtain tablets and other telehealth support equipment (eg digital stethoscopes, scale, wound camera, digital otoscope) -
1-2 month
Work with prosthetics or local supply to obtain standing stock clinic items to dispense to Veterans during home visits (eg hearing amplifiers, canes, walkers, pill organizers) -
1 week
Review SCOUTS administrative documents and internal SCOUTS project website
- Home Based Primary Care
- Emergency care
- Community Care
- Purchasing and supplies
- Education and training
- Fleet vehicle
- Telehealth
- Primary care
Core Resources
Resource type | Resource description |
Optional Resources
Resource type | Resource description |
- VHA Intermediate Care Technician (ICT) Program Diffusion Marketplace: ICT Home Page
- VA ED Geriatric Emergency Department Program Diffusion Marketplace: Geriatric Emergency Department Program
- Journal of Geriatric Emergency Medicine (JGEM) ICT Workforce for Veterans Affairs Geriatric Emergency Departments
Support Resources
Resource type | Resource description |
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I would love to see this program in our community.