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VHA Innovators Network (INET)

The VHA Innovators Network (iNET) is a network of 33 VA medical centers changing the way employees think and solve problems through training and accelerated operationalizing innovation.

Suicide Alert Card (SAC)

Suicide Alert Card reduces response time of MH Team saving Veteran lives

Created by the Parma VA Clinic

Technology-based Eye Care Services (TECS)

Improved eye care access for all Veterans using eye telehealth

Created by the Joseph Maxwell Cleland Atlanta VA Medical Center (Atlanta, Georgia)

The Equine-imity Project

Inspiring healing and hope through horses

Created by the VA San Diego Healthcare System

Use of Virtual Reality as a Wellness Modality for Veterans on the Mental Health Unit (VR in MHU)

Using Virtual Reality Headsets to Improve Veteran's Mood in the MHU

Created by the Ioannis A. Lougaris Veterans' Administration Medical Center (Reno)

VA Geriatric Emergency Department Program (Previously GERI-VET)

We provide individualized evaluation targeted at identifying geriatric syndromes in our most vulnerable older veterans.

Created by the Louis Stokes Cleveland Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center (Cleveland, Ohio)

VA Lactation Program (VALP)

This will provide standardization of lactation support services and increase availability within the VA.

Created by the Lt. Col. Luke Weathers, Jr. VA Medical Center (Memphis), Erie VA Medical Center

Showing ICARE with Rideshare

Created by the Orlando VA Medical Center

Veterans Mobile Evaluation Team (VMET)

Crisis de-escalation, mitigate incarceration, expedite access to care.

Created by the Tibor Rubin VA Medical Center (Long Beach)

Veteran X Model Peer-Led Recovery Programs

Empowering Veteran's Recovery Efforts in a Team-Spirited Fashion

Created by the Hampton VA Medical Center

Virtual Reality for Pain and Anxiety Management

VR aids Veterans with pain/anxiety management and promotes relaxation

Created by the Charles George Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center (Asheville)