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Use of Virtual Reality as a Wellness Modality for Veterans on the Mental Health Unit (VR in MHU)

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This innovation focuses on improving the mood for Veterans who are admitted to the inpatient mental health unit (MHU). This intervention uses virtual reality (VR) headsets deployed in a group setting called "the VR lounge" that allows Veterans to choose a patient centered experience with the goal of improving their mood from pre to post immersion. Over 80% of Veterans who participate in this intervention report an increase in their mood during their immersion in the headset.

This innovation is emerging and worth watching as it is being assessed in early implementations. See more emerging innovations.


1 successful

Awards and Recognition:

iNET Spread Investee


Diffusion of Excellence, VHA Innovators Network

Contact Team



Veterans are typically in crisis when they are admitted to the MHU, they may have suffered significant losses such as their marriage, job, finances, or their home. This population can be difficult to impact due to this level of significant stress in addition to their existing diagnosis.


VR can work quickly to bring the Veteran into a state of “mindfulness” and relaxation thus improving their mood. It allows for a patient centered experience with a feature called the "gaze mode" which allows the Veteran to independently explore and select their choice of immersions. Further, it is a supportive intervention that translates into a group sett ... See more


VR Headsets and UVC Cleanbox


This intervention provides a supportive nonpharmacological intervention that works quickly to improve a Veteran's mood.


Veteran on MHU laughing while immersed in VR

Placing VR headset on Veteran

Veteran engaged in use of VR


  • Over 250 immersions on the MHU
  • 80% of Veterans report an increase in their mood pre to post immersion.

Diffusion tracker

Does not include Clinical Resource Hubs (CRH)


There are no in-progress adoptions for this innovation.

There are no unsuccessful adoptions for this innovation.



  • 1-2 Months
    Determine Champion: Consider Benefit of Multidisciplinary Team
  • 2-3 Months
    Develop Facility Specific Implementation Plan (CPRS Template, Encounter Detail, and Infection Control)
    Work with Purchasing/Contracting to Procure Equipment
    Develop Training Plan for Unit to Staff
  • 2 Weeks
    Educate Intervention Staff on use of VR Headsets and Cleaning Protocol
    Start Implementation
    Collect Data
    Share with Department and Facility Leadership


  • Mental health care
  • Nursing services
  • Recreation and creative arts therapy

Core Resources

Resource type Resource description
  • Use of Virtual Reality Headset (Competency)
  • CPRS Template
  • Infection Control Standard Work Template
  • Virtual Reality Headsets
  • UVC Light Source to Clean Headsets




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Origin story

Our innovation began with a multi-disciplinary collaboration focused on decreasing pain with the use of VR in the community living center (CLC). When one of the team was transferred to the MHU, it was a natural fit to bring VR to this population and launch it with a novel approach (i.e. in a group setting) to support Veteran mood.

Original team

Megan Rumzie, MSN, RN, CNL, HNB-BC

VR Clinical Leader

Danielle Marchand, CTRS

Recreation Therapist

Carol Randall, PhD

Behavioral Psychologist