Last updated
Healthier Kidneys Through Your Kitchen (HKTYK)
Share PrintChronic Kidney Disease is the 4th most frequent diagnosis in the VA. The cost of caring for this population is disproportionately high at $18 billion per year. This program identifies Veterans with stage 3 CKD and offers our participation in our class that explains CKD and lifestyle changes that can slow progression. Veterans enjoy a cooking and exercise demonstration. Veterans meet with a dietitian for behavior change counseling and individual lab review. A sample PACT went from 37% to 65% of Veterans with CKD having nutrition intervention from a Dietitian. Prevention saves dollars and improves the Veterans’ quality of life.
27 successful, 21 in-progress
Awards and Recognition:
Diffusion of Excellence Promising Practice, iNet Spark Award Investee, iNET Spread Investee, VHA Shark Tank Winner
Diffusion of Excellence, Systems Redesign and Improvement, VHA Innovators Network

Recent Updates
- VA News feature on Healthier Kidneys Through Your Kitchen Program VA News Blog
- A VA Healthcare Innovation: Healthier Kidneys Through Your Kitchen-Earlier Nutrition Intervention for Chronic Kidney Disease Journal Of Renal Nutrition
- Innovator of the Month VA News Article
- Equipping Veterans with the Knowledge to Address Kidney Disease VA News Article
Prior to the pro ... Veterans express appreciation for this program. The post-class evaluation revealed that prior to attending, 30% of the Veterans didn’t know that uncontrolled blood pressure can lead to kidney failure, 32% didn’t know that uncontrolled diabetes can lead to kidney failure. Most Veterans (98%) would encourage others with CKD to participate.
Prior to the program, a Lexington VA primary care team showed 37% of Veterans with CKD had nutrition intervention from a Registered Dietitian. Since the program, that rose to 65%. CKD awareness is one of the most significant impacts. This program is helping VA model CKD management for all healthcare systems. Prevention saves dollars, but most-importantly improves the quality of life for our deserving Veterans. See more
Diffusion tracker
Does not include Clinical Resource Hubs (CRH)
2 weeks
Review existing program materials via the Healthy Teaching Kitchen SharePoint site in the Healthier Kidneys Through Your Kitchen folder & complete TMS Webinar. Email to ask to join monthly national 30 minute call for learning best tips & insights.Request to join the monthly call for Healthier Kidneys Through Your Kitchen by emailing rebecca.schlueter@va.gov -
Within 2 months of intent to spread
Visit an existing program and/or sit in on a virtual class to see first hand how others conduct it. Complete TMS training for implementation. Search "Healthier Kidneys Through Your Kitchen" in TMS course search box. -
2 months
Market the program to all Nutrition and Food Service RDs, Primary Care, Renal Clinic, Diabetes Educators, Pharmacists and other relevant disciplines. Work with local Public Affairs to produce marketing materials found in the program's toolkit/Sharepoint. -
week before implementation
Purchase items (i.e. groceries). No need to purchase ed. materials, use Renal Toolkit Pt. Ed. -
Within 2 months of acceptance as spread site
Create/open clinic slots, reserve room if needed, set up VVC clinic, etc. -
Within 3-6 months of acceptance as spread site
Review Panels using CKD report, contact qualifying Veterans and offer program -
Within 3-6 months of acceptance
Initiate program at site
- Primary care
- Whole health
- Nutrition, food, and dietary
Core Resources
Resource type | Resource description |
- TMS Course- Healthier Kidneys Through Your Kitchen Implementation TMS Implementation Webinar - TMS #42367
Risks and mitigations
Risk | Mitigation |
Within 3-6 months of acceptance | Upfront identifying purchaser and reviewing expectations |
Staffing | Ensure appropriate staffing and cross coverage before implementation. |
Comments and replies are disabled for retired innovations and non-VA users.
Email rebecca.schlueter@va.gov with questions about this innovation.
Origin story
Original team
Becky Schlueter, MS, RDN
National Program Lead HKTYK
Great program would definitely like to incorporate it in the MHICM program.
interested in program for my CBOC