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MoPOC team van with three healthcare workers standing in front.

Mobile Prosthetic and Orthotic Care (MoPOC)

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MoPOC increases access to Orthotic & Prosthetic (O&P) specialty service for Veterans that struggle to travel to VA Medical Centers. By traveling to smaller VA clinics located in rural communities, MoPOC reduces or eliminates the patient travel burden, helping to ensure that Veterans are able to choose VA for lifelong O&P care.

This innovation is scaling widely with the support of national stakeholders. See more scaling innovations.


March 2021, VISN-20


15 successful, 4 in-progress

Awards and Recognition:

iNET Seed Investee, 2022 Undersecretary For Health Robert L. Jesse Award for Excellence in Innovation


Diffusion of Excellence, Office of Rural Health, VHA Innovators Network



  • Veteran Feedback (source: 462 surveys, 41 interviews) 99% rated the quality of service received as good or excellent.
  • 90% agreed that MoPOC care was easier to get than other O&P care.
  • 94% responded that MoPOC had met most or all of their needs.
  • 20% indicated that they would not have received O&P care without MoPOC.
  • 2023: 4,008 encounters with 2,026 unique Veterans.

Diffusion tracker

Does not include Clinical Resource Hubs (CRH)


There are no unsuccessful adoptions for this innovation.