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VA Mind Brain Program

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The vision of the VA Mind Brain Program is to provide healing, hope, and wellness for Veterans with neuropsychiatric conditions, including Functional Neurological Disorders, such as psychogenic non-epileptic seizures (PNES).
Our primary focus is to educate and train multi-disciplinary clinicians in an evidence-based psychotherapy to deliver whole-person care for Veterans with these complex conditions.

This innovation is scaling widely with the support of national stakeholders. See more scaling innovations.


September 2021, VA Neurology Program Office


12 successful, 3 in-progress


Epilepsy Centers of Excellence, Neurology, Parkinson’s Disease Research, Education, & Clinical Centers

Contact Team



VHA has a shortage of trained clinicians to address the needs of thousands of Veterans with neuropsychiatric conditions. Approximately 7,000 Veterans have PNES, a functional neurological disorder (FND), in which neurological symptoms (in this case, seizures) occur as a result of an underlying psychological conflict or stressor. Many Veterans are lost betwee ... See more


The VA Mind Brain Program staff educate and train clinicians across the VHA to improve knowledge and care of Veterans with neuropsychiatric diagnoses, including PNES, with this evidence-based, whole-person psychotherapy (neuro-behavioral therapy or NBT). Trained clinicians are able to effectively treat patients with PNES and other neuropsychiatric disorders.


In sites with NBT-trained clinicians, Veterans with PNES receive coordinated care and are offered appropriate treatment options for their symptoms. Completion of NBT is associated with fewer seizures and improved functioning.


Seizure reduction with neurobehavioral therapy (NBT); PNES/FS reduction in green, Epilepsy reduction in blue. Epilepsia, 2024.

Seizure reduction with neurobehavioral therapy (NBT); PNES/FS reduction in green, Epilepsy reduction in blue. Epilepsia, 2024.


Diffusion tracker

Does not include Clinical Resource Hubs (CRH)


There are no unsuccessful adoptions for this innovation.



VA Epilepsy Center of Excellence video on psychogenic non-epileptic seizures or PNES.



  • 1 month (start-up)
    Clinician will receive supervisory approval, complete initial training (TMS courses, readings), contact referring providers for possible appropriate patients (with guidance from Mind Brain Program staff), and work with local administration to set up clinics if needed.
  • 8-12 months (training)
    Local clinician will complete neuro-behavioral therapy training (NBT) and provide NBT to local patients with neuropsychiatric conditions.


  • Social work
  • Psychiatry
  • Adaptive sports
  • Psychology
  • Pain management
  • Polytrauma and traumatic brain injury
  • Neurology

Core Resources

Resource type Resource description
  • Clinician Trained in neuro-behavioral therapy (NBT)
  • Administrative/IT support for tasks as needed (e.g., building clinics, scheduling patients, installing software)
  • Clinician completes 3-part TMS curriculum (approx 7 hours, with CE credit)
  • Clinician will receive training through Mind Brain Program for a minimum of 24 weeks during which they will see 2 local beta patients (min 12 weeks for each patient)
  • Clinician will need computer equipped with VVC capabilities and software to record sessions
  • Clinician will need therapist guide and patient workbook
  • Veteran will need patient workbook


Optional Resources

Resource type Resource description
  • Mental Health
  • Neurology
  • Clinicians in Mental Health/Neurology able to dedicate 2-4 hours/week for 8-12 months for the training, with adequate dedicated time after training to treat patients
  • Clinician will need therapist guide and patient workbook

Support Resources

Resource type Resource description
  • Mind Brain Program expert clinicians for training local clinicians in NBT
  • Mind Brain Program expert clinicians to provide education for referring providers
  • Neuro-behavioral therapy training
  • Therapy workbooks for clinician/patient use

Risks and mitigations

Risk Mitigation
Identifying clinicians who can allocate time for training and ongoing treatment of these patients. Request from leadership to appoint "Mind Brain Program Champions" with appropriate FTE allocation for this work.



Comments and replies are disabled for retired innovations and non-VA users.

VA User (Psychologist) posted

To call this Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is really quite insulting. This psychosomatic work has been around for over a hundred years in Psychoanalysis and more formalized with current neuroscience for over 20. https://npsa-association.org/


Email with questions about this innovation.


Origin story

Dr. W. Curt LaFrance, Jr., a neurologist and psychiatrist who studies and treats patients with neuropsychiatric conditions, including PNES and FND, has been approached by many clinicians around the world over the years who described their sense of helplessness when seeing these complex patients. Further, countless patients with PNES and other FNDs described ... Dr. W. Curt LaFrance, Jr., a neurologist and psychiatrist who studies and treats patients with neuropsychiatric conditions, including PNES and FND, has been approached by many clinicians around the world over the years who described their sense of helplessness when seeing these complex patients. Further, countless patients with PNES and other FNDs described their frustration with not having treatment for their seizures or symptoms. After years of individually training civilian hospital clinicians, Dr. LaFrance was asked by the VA Epilepsy Centers of Excellence (ECoE) and the VA National Tele-Mental Health Center (NTMHC) to bring these resources to the VA, recognizing that a nationally coordinated approach was needed to meet the needs of this underserved population. Since then, in 2021, he was charged with creating the VA Mind Brain Program, which addresses unmet patient needs within the VA and connect VA clinicians and researchers to reduce the gap in the treatment of PNES and other neuropsychiatric conditions.

Original team

W. Curt LaFrance, Jr., MD, MPH

Director, VA Mind Brain Program

Kristen Mordecai, Ph.D.

Neuropsychologist, VA Mind Brain Program

Anna Blanken, Ph.D.

Psychologist, VA Mind Brain Program

M. Raquel Lopez, MD

Epileptologist, VA Mind Brain Program

April Mizell

Administrative Officer