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Falls Boot Camp

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Falls Boot Camp is an activity program designed to reduce the risk of falls among susceptible Veterans. It is an interdisciplinary approach, involving occupational, physical, and music therapy. The program consists of several training sessions designed to improve Veterans power, gait, balance, and cognition. They also receive an at-home program so they can continue to work towards personal goals.

This innovation is emerging and worth watching as it is being assessed in early implementations. See more emerging innovations.


2 successful, 2 in-progress

Awards and Recognition:

Diffusion of Excellence Promising Practice, VHA Shark Tank Winner


Diffusion of Excellence, Office of Rural Health



  • The initial Mini-BESTest average for 26 veterans was a score of less than 19, which is predictive of recurrent falls. At final assessment and 12 wk follow up the average was above 21 indicating the veterans were no longer at risk for falls.
  • Improvement was seen in the majority of 9 standardized assessment tools including cognition.

Diffusion tracker

Does not include Clinical Resource Hubs (CRH)


IA: Des Moines VA Medical Center (Des Moines, Iowa)
  • Started adoption on 12/2016, ended on 02/2017.
OR: Roseburg VA Medical Center (Roseburg)
  • Started adoption on 02/2020, ended on 05/2020.

There are no unsuccessful adoptions for this innovation.




Falls Boot Camp Wii Station


Falls Boot Camp Multi-tasking Station


Falls Boot Camp Tai Chi Station


Falls Boot Camp Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation Station