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A portable drink cart on display in an outdoor area surrounded by greenery. The cart has two upper levels and a lower lockable portion with the doors open. The upper levels have a Keurig coffee maker, virtual reality headset with case, warm beverage pods, and assorted individual snacks.  The lower lockable levels showcase meditation coloring pages, pencils, and other individual size self-care items for use.

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Employee Well-Being Centers and Carts

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Employers are recognizing that to have a healthy, productive work force-- and to improve patient outcomes-- sincere and action-oriented efforts must be made to improve Employee well-being. The Employee Well-Being Centers and Carts afford a unique and sustainable way to customize well-being interventions based on employee feedback and space available.

This innovation is replicating across multiple facilities as its impact continues to be validated. See more replicating innovations.


March 2020, Orlando VA Medical Center


15 successful, 4 in-progress

Awards and Recognition:

iNET Spread Investee, Diffusion of Excellence Shark Tank Finalist FY22, Diffusion of Excellence Promising Practice, VHA Shark Tank Winner


Healthcare Environment and Facilities Programs, Patient Centered Care and Cultural Transformation, VA Center for Development and Civic Engagement, XR Network

Contact Team



The COVID-19 Pandemic brought about unprecedented and exacerbated levels of stress and anxiety within the healthcare industry workforce. Employers are looking for ways to address the rapidly increasing rates of burnout and mental health concerns while introducing positive ways to influence employee wellness.

The World Health Organization defines “thre
... See more


The Employee Well-Being Center and Carts offer a Whole Health approach to self-care and utilize methods from the Circle of Health. There is a direct link between enhancing employees abilities to provide the “best patient centered care” to our Veterans and operating as a High Reliability Organization (HRO). Ultimately, healthy employees lead to better patien ... See more


Check In Desk- Temporary Room for National Nurse Recognition Week

Temporary Room for National Nurse Recognition Week

Amenity Area & Privacy Curtain-Temporary Room for National Nurse Recognition Week

Aromatherapy, Reduced Lighting, Amenities- Temporary Room for National Nurse Recognition Week

Collage of the Lake Nona Hospital Well-Being Center Pre-Makeover


In a post-COVID surge environment, the Employee Well-Being Centers and Carts are impacting employees on a personal and systemic level by:​

-Increasing Employee Whole Health engagement ​
-Decreasing feelings of burnout​
-Supporting well-being​
-Increasing employee retention ​
-Promoting self-care techniques​
-Building resiliency
-Promoting HRO and Pa
... See more


YTD Tavares Well-being Cart Data Excerpts

YTD Well-Being Center Data Excerpts

Example of Well-Being Space with Zero Gravity Chair-Lake Nona Hospital Well-Being Center

Example of Permanent Well-Being Space-Lake Nona Hospital Well-Being Center

Example Well-Being Cart with VR

Example Viera Well-Being Center Spread Project

Aligning Improvement Initiatives: Whole Health with HRO

Example Asheville VA Well-Being Center FY22 Spread Project

Example West Palm Beach VA Well-Being Cart FY22

Example Fayetteville VA Well-Being Center FY22 Spread Project

Example of advertising for CLC grand opening

Example of how to modify existing space within CLC for employee well-being center

CLC Employee Well-Being Center with Photobiomodulation and Zero Gravity Massage Chair

Successful Implementation of New York VA Spread Sites

September 2024 Orlando VAHCS Well-Being Center Pop-Up Event

Example Lake Baldwin Advertising Post-Refresh

Successful Implementation of San Juan VA Spread Site

Response from Orlando VA Employees


  • Out of 266 staff responses, the three (3) rooms are rated at 4.55/5.0 for experience and 4.63/5.0 for user return rate

Diffusion tracker

Does not include Clinical Resource Hubs (CRH)


FL: Clermont VA Clinic (Clermont)
  • Started adoption on 04/2022.
FL: Deltona VA Clinic (Deltona)
  • Started adoption on 08/2022.
FL: Lake Baldwin VA Clinic (Lake Baldwin)
  • Started adoption on 11/2020.
FL: Orlando VA Medical Center (Orlando)
  • Started adoption on 05/2020, ended on 11/2020.
FL: Tavares VA Clinic (Tavares)
  • Started adoption on 06/2022.
FL: Viera VA Clinic (Viera)
  • Started adoption on 03/2022.
FL: West Palm Beach VA Medical Center (West Palm Beach)
  • Started adoption on 01/2022.
MS: Biloxi VA Medical Center (Biloxi)
  • Started adoption on 01/2022, ended on 01/2023.
NC: Charles George Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center (Asheville)
  • Started adoption on 01/2022, ended on 08/2022.
NC: Fayetteville VA Medical Center (Fayetteville, North Carolina)
  • Started adoption on 01/2022.
NV: North Reno VA Clinic (North Reno)
  • Started adoption on 06/2023.
NY: Brooklyn VA Medical Center (Brooklyn)
  • Started adoption on 01/2022.
NY: St. Albans VA Medical Center (St. Albans)
  • Started adoption on 01/2022.
PA: Pittsburgh VA Medical Center-University Drive (Pittsburgh)
  • Started adoption on 01/2022.
PR: San Juan VA Medical Center (San Juan)
  • Started adoption on 12/2023.

There are no unsuccessful adoptions for this innovation.



  • April 2020
    -Initial proposal for a relaxation room to support employees with reducing stress & anxiety.
    -Assistant Director presents idea to Leadership
    -Leadership approves moving forward with locating space and initial room set up
    -Initial room set up occurs in a temporary space at Lake Nona Hospital, includes heated lounge chairs, privacy screens, sound machines, and aroma therapy diffusers
    -Initial SOP is drafted called "Operation Safeguard SOP"
  • May 5, 2020-May 8, 2020
    -Temporary room opens to celebrate National Nurses Week
    -Room is staffed primarily with Labor Pool staff while recruitment is underway for volunteers
    -The following week, Labor Pool is recalled and room is approved to stay open by Director with The Center for Development and Civic Engagement (CDCE)team staffing
  • June 2020-August 2020
    -Recovery phase for hospital begins
    -Well-Being team is advised to begin looking for a more permanent location
  • July 2020
    -Application for VHA Shark Tank submitted
    -VISN COVID-19 Funds become available to support sustainment, application & itemized list submitted to System Redesign
    -Pentad approves application stating that "obtaining these would allow the team sustain the room with our own equipment versus borrowing items from restaged units or clinics".
  • August 12, 2020
    -Employee Well-Being Center at Lake Nona Hospital locates a permanent space
  • October 2020
    -Abstract submission “Employee Wellness Lounge and Self Care: Critical to HRO and Patient Centered Care” was selected to be a pre-recorded poster with Live Q&A for the VISN8 Improvement and Innovation forum
    -Additional VISN InnoVAtion funding approved to support spread to Lake Baldwin OPC and Viera OPC
  • November 5, 2020
    -Lake Baldwin OPC Open House/Soft Opening
  • February 2021
    -VISN8 Network Director visits the Employee Well-Being Center at Lake Nona Hospital
    -The Well-Being Center & Carts are presented to the VISN8 ELC
  • March 29, 2021
    -Lake Baldwin OPC Grand Opening includes Pentad, ELT, Whole Health, CDCE & tours of the Well-Being Center
  • May 2021
    -Well-Being Center & Carts presented at the VAVS National Advisory Committee Conference
  • July 2021
    -Well-Being Center & Carts submitted for Spark. Seed. Spread.
  • October 13, 2021
    -Well-Being Center & Carts accepted and funding granted for Spread Application to five sites
  • January 2022
    -Official Launch of Spread Sites for Employee Well-Being Centers & Carts
    Site 1 Launch (January 2022) – Pittsburg, PA
    Site 2 Launch (January 2022) – Brooklyn, New York
    Site 3 Launch (January 2022) – Biloxi, MS VA
    Site 4 – (January 2022) – Asheville, NC VA
    Site 5 – (January 2022) Fayetteville, NC
    -Spread to West Palm Beach Employee Well-Being Carts (27 carts)
  • March 2022
    -Viera OPC Open House and officially opens Well-Being Center, boasting a 85% usage rate weekly!
  • April 2022
    -Clermont CBOC launches Well-Being Cart
  • June 2022
    -Tavares CBOC launches Well-Being Cart
  • August 2022
    -Deltona CBOC launches Well-Being Cart
  • September 2022
    -Kissimmee CBOC launches Well-Being Cart
    -Employee Well-Being Center & Carts Marketplace Diffusion Page goes live
  • October 2022
    -Selected as a VHA Shark Tank Winner & Promising Practice
    -4 bids received at VHA Shark Tank, selected VISN 21- Sierra Nevada VA Healthcare System as the implementing site for practice
  • January 2023
    -VHA Diffusion of Excellence Base Camp & Diffusion Academy in New Orleans
  • January 2023
    Facilitated Replication began with Shark Tank bid winner, VISN 12 Reno Implementing Fellows and Diffusion Fellows.
  • June 2023
    Implementing Site Launches Employee Well-Being Centers & Carts
  • November 2023
    iEX 2023- Diffusion of Excellence Presentation on Cohort 8 Winners of Shark Tank


  • Voluntary Services
  • Maintenance
  • Infection control
  • Purchasing and supplies
  • Building management
  • Whole health

Core Resources

Resource type Resource description
  • Project Champion- 1-2 per site to oversee implementation efforts and adherence to model
  • Well-Being Room: Private room large enough for one or more massage chairs and additional furniture/décor items
  • Well-Being Cart: Space in a private office or restricted storage closet when not in use
  • Well-Being Room: Zero Gravity Massage Chair(s) ($1186 – price can vary)
  • Well-Being Room: Battery Operated Candle Set(s) (19.99)
  • Well-Being Room: Battery Operated Tealights (9.49)
  • Well-Being Room: Wall Sconce with Artificial Greenery 2/pack ($18.99)
  • Well-Being Room: Sound Machine with light ($24.99)
  • Well-Being Room: Three-tiered End Table (49.99 price can vary)
  • Well-Being Room: Waterless Aromatherapy Diffuser with Ambient Light ($43.99)
  • Well-Being Room: Essential Oils (22.99)
  • Well-Being Room: Amenity Table (99.99 price can vary)
  • Well-Being Cart: Mobile Cart with Lockable Storage ($510)
  • Well-Being Cart: Eye Masks 200 Count ($36.99)
  • Well-Being Cart: Individually Wrapped Earphones 25 count ($15.98)
  • Well-Being Cart: Rechargeable Lighted Salt Lamp ($24.99)
  • Well-Being Cart: Sound Machine with Headphone Jack ($35.97)
  • Well-Being Cart: Aromatherapy Patches (Beekley Medical) ($110/box)

Optional Resources

Resource type Resource description
  • Well-Being Center: Volunteers or Light Duty Staff to be present during hours open
  • Well-Being Center: Lighted 4ft Olive Tree(s) ($75.99)
  • Well-Being Center: Privacy Screens (3-screen)($85.99)
  • Well-Being Center: Artificial Lighted Greenery Curtain ($18.98)
  • Real System Virtual Reality Headset ($999)
  • Small Condiment Holder ($19.95)
  • Keurig Coffee Maker ($99.99)
  • Disposable Coffee Cups 300 count ($39.99)
  • Coffee K-cups Assorted 96 count ($31.15)
  • Tea k-cups 100 count ($31.80)
  • Individually Wrapped Sugar Packets 2000 count ($24.80)
  • Individually Wrapped Sugar Substitute 2000 count ($21.99)
  • Individual Serving Coffee Creamer 1000 count ($25.77)
  • Coffee Stirrers 1000 count ($8.94)
  • Cocktail Napkins 500 count ($25.97)
  • Eye Massager ($69.99)
  • Individually Wrapped Snack Items ($39.70)
  • A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook
  • The Intuitive Eating Workbook: Ten Principles for Nourishing a Healthy Relationship with Food
  • Yoga Nidra: The iRest Meditative Practice for Deep Relaxation and Healing
  • The Mindfulness Journal: Daily Practices, Writing Prompts, and Reflections for Living in the Present Moment
  • Manage Stress Workbook & Audio (Department of Veterans Affairs)
  • Misc. amenities such as Adult Coloring Pages, Colored Pencils, Fidget Toys, Donated Motivational Art, Mandalas

Support Resources

Resource type Resource description
  • Employee Well-Being Center & Cart Toolkit (includes examples of SOP, Feedback Forms, Educational PPT, Volunteer PD, Daily Check List, Rules & Regulations for Employee Whole Health)
  • SOP Template




Comments and replies are disabled for retired innovations and non-VA users.

VA User (Nurse Manager) Innovation adopter posted

amazing job.

VA User (Performance Improvement Nurse) posted


VA User (Industrial Hygienist) posted

How can we get this implemented at the Dallas VA?

VA User (Registered Nurse) Innovation adopter posted

I presented this innovation to my local employee whole health, and now I'm hoping for funding through Whole Health to adopt and implement this innovation. Are there any suggestions for the first use/rollout?

VA User (Chief, Center for Development & Civic Engagement) posted

Great idea! Nice work Adelina and Team!

VA User (Chief, Voluntary Service) posted

Great Work Adeline and teams! Curious to how this was funded? Innovations or Whole Health Funds?

VA User (Supervisory Social Worker) posted

This has been a valuable addition to the Orlando VAHCS work sites to promote wellness with the employees!

VA User (Business Manager - Medical Service) posted

Having issues with opening the attached links


Email with questions about this innovation.


Origin story

The additional burdens placed on the healthcare system from COVID caused unforeseen impacts to staff both personally and professionally. Healthcare professionals were being displaced, reassigned, and given increased job duties due to the new protocols being implemented leading to high levels of burnout, dissatisfaction, and low morale. CDCE was tasked to dev ... The additional burdens placed on the healthcare system from COVID caused unforeseen impacts to staff both personally and professionally. Healthcare professionals were being displaced, reassigned, and given increased job duties due to the new protocols being implemented leading to high levels of burnout, dissatisfaction, and low morale. CDCE was tasked to develop a workgroup to identify solutions to combat the problem. The goal was identified on targeting employee burnout and retention. Employees were asked to provide feedback on what they would find relaxing and would ease their stress. Human Centered Design was the foundation of this project, focusing on the problem and voice of the customer for a potential solution. Once CDCE developed a proof of concept of how to move forward, Whole Health was asked to join the team to collaborate as they would provide meaningful resources going forward. Additional services added for support included Facility Management Service (FMS), Infection control, and many others. Together we created the first prototype of a room using hospital lounge chairs, screens from the library, and a nature sound machine. It was launched during National Nurses week for Nursing staff to be the first to use it. The room was a success with consistent use and positive, as well as constructive feedback. Due to the rooms success, Mr. Timothy Cooke, the OVAHCS Director, gave approval for a permanent space to be identified for what would be named “The Employee Well-Being Center." The project did not stop there as the next challenge was to allow staff from other sites to receive the benefits of the Well-Being Center. This led to the idea of rooms at the sites that could accommodate them and the use of carts for those that could not. A VISN 8 COVID-19 innovation investment provided the funding needed to purchase necessary items for the permanent center. The project was picking up speed and additional funding provided a way to spread it within our corporate area. As VA interest in Whole Health for both staff and patients grew, many facilities heard about Orlando’s project and reached out for more information. Leads from CDCE and Whole Health were asked to present to gain the support and resources needed to replicate this innovation at their sites. The next logical step was to apply for the iNET Spark. Seed. Spread. Investment. The project reached another milestone when the iNET SPREAD application was accepted, something to be celebrated! In the Spread journey 20 sites showed initial interest. These sites were narrowed down to the five sites that seemed most committed and ready to begin the project to reduce employee burnout. The five spread sites remained very engaged, and were provided with a comprehensive tool kit that included SOPs, Volunteer assignment guides, task lists, sanitation protocols, lessons learned, best practices, a supply list, a feedback survey template and more. The team continues to meet with these sites monthly for a “check-in” on how the implementation is going and to provide coaching and answers for any questions. At the same time, even though only five spread sites were selected, many other facilities have continued to reach out. The project continued to grow due to the positive impact it has provided and it was not long before unofficial spread sites were assisted and provided information so that they could create their own centers. It has been an incredible journey that has led to more innovative ideas and a strong partnership between CDCE, Whole Health, and the Innovation team. The next goal is for this program to be recognized as a VHA best practice and continue to spread nation-wide. Taking care of the staff who serve our Veterans is one of the ways we can ensure our Veterans consistently receive the best care possible.

Original team

Adelina Sowell, CAVS

Chief, Center for Development and Civic Engagement, Biloxi

Ashley M. Rush, LCSW, MCAP, RYT200

Whole Health Program Coordinator

Cristina Mercado Acevedo

Chief, Center for Development and Civic Engagement, Orlando