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About Suicide Prevention at VA

Learn how VA and our Partners join forces to combat Veteran suicide

Comforting arm around another person

About Suicide Prevention at VA

One of the keys to prevention is strengthening protective factors—like access to mental health care, feeling connected to other people, and positive coping skills — for Veterans and reducing risk factors, like easy access to firearms or certain medications, and stressful life events, such as divorce, job loss, or the death of a loved one.

VA is dedicated to reducing Veteran suicide rates, but we can’t do it alone. Because roughly half of all Veterans in the United States don’t receive services or benefits from VA, we collaborate with partners and communities nationwide to reach Veterans where they are.

Our Partners

  • DoD logo

    Department of Defense (DoD)

    DoD Suicide Prevention Office integrates a holistic approach to suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention using a range of medical and non-medical resources. Grounded in a collaborative approach, DSPO works with the Military Services and other Governmental Agencies, Non-Governmental Agencies, non-profit organizations, and the community to reduce the risk for suicide.

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  • Veterans Experience office Logo

    Veterans Experience Office (VEO)

    To leverage customer experience (CX) data, tools, technology, and engagement to enable the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to be the leading customer experience organization in government, so service members, Veterans, their families, caregivers, and survivors choose VA.

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  • VA Immersive logo

    VA Immersive

    VA Immersive is defining a new reality in Veteran health care by leading the nation in the clinical implementation of immersive technology and uncovering new ways to embrace employees' whole health. By engaging the senses of sight sound, and touch, immersive technology cultivates a new level of engagement to each Veteran's health care experience.

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Contact us

Want to learn more about Suicide Prevention at VA or Mission Daybreak? Send a message to suicideprevention@va.gov or hello@missiondaybreak.net and we will get back to you soon as soon as possible.