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Office of Veterans Access to Care (OVAC)

The purpose of OVAC is to grow and sustain the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) as the most accessible health care system in the U.S. by providing oversight and accountability for improvement solutions. OVAC continues the VA mission to offer Veterans timely and quality access to care.

Close to Me Care Delivery Models

Bringing oncology-related injection/infusion services closer to Veterans

Created by the Minneapolis VA Medical Center (Minneapolis, Minnesota)

Technology-based Eye Care Services (TECS)

Improved eye care access for all Veterans using eye telehealth

Created by the Joseph Maxwell Cleland Atlanta VA Medical Center (Atlanta, Georgia)

Video Blood Pressure Visits (VBPV)

Blood Pressure monitoring using VA Video Connect.

Created by the James A. Haley Veterans' Hospital (Tampa, Florida), John J. Cochran Veterans Hospital (St. Louis John Cochran)