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Caregiver Support Program

Advance Care Planning via Group Visits Program

Increasing Veteran and caregiver motivation for advance care planning

Created by the Eugene J. Towbin Healthcare Center (North Little Rock)

Caregivers Finding Important Resources, Support, and Training (Caregivers FIRST)

Caregivers FIRST is an evidence-based, caregiver skills group training program.

Created by the Durham VA Medical Center


Helping caregivers balance personal coping with Veteran’s needs

Created by the Lt. Col. Luke Weathers, Jr. VA Medical Center (Memphis)

The Equine-imity Project

Inspiring healing and hope through horses

Created by the VA San Diego Healthcare System

Transforming Health and Resiliency through Integration of Values-based Experiences (THRIVE)

Bringing happiness to healthcare through values, strengths, and purpose

Created by the James A. Haley Veterans' Hospital (Tampa, Florida)