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VA Diversity & Inclusion Advocate Program (VADIAP)

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D&I Advocates assist VA Leadership, employees and Veterans by…
-Creating a VA Culture of Diversity & Inclusion
-Serving as Diversity & Inclusion Champions for their Service
-Building A Strong VA-Wide Special Emphasis Program
-Personal A.C.T.I.O.N (Advocacy, Connections, Training, In-reach, Outreach, Networking)

This innovation is emerging and worth watching as it is being assessed in early implementations. See more emerging innovations.


January 2021, Orlando VA Medical Center


9 successful, 7 in-progress

Awards and Recognition:

Orlando Invested Innovation


Diffusion of Excellence, Systems Redesign and Improvement

Contact Team



I developed a program which professional EEO staff can implement at their facility to train a select cadre of service-level D&I Advocates in EEODI, Mediation and Conflict Resolution Skills and assign collateral-duty, employee-volunteers as POCs in their service for staff/Veterans/customers who may need information on how to reach important internal stakehold ... See more



The Orlando VA Healthcare System EEO Office piloted the VA Diversity and Inclusion Advocate Program (VADIAP) in FY21. Supervisors nominated D&I Advocates to represent their service. The D&I Advocates aim to assist leadership to improve communication, help resolve conflict at the lowest levels, motivate staff participation in Special Emphasis Program (SEP) ... See more



The goals of the D&I Advocate Program are to help share DEI information throughout the organization and help resolve workplace conflict at the lowest levels. To date in our pilot program we've conducted D&I Advocate Program orientation, provided an overview of the EEO Program, facilitated Unconscious Bias Training and plan to offer Mediation Skills Training ... See more


Service-level VA Diversity & Inclusion Advocates "Standing Out for D&I" Across Our Healthcare System on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week.



  • Building Trust- Employees have been more receptive to speaking with their peers and sharing concerns with our Special Emphasis Program Managers.
  • Employees who are already engaged and passionate about DEI are volunteering to serve as advocates for their work areas.

Diffusion tracker

Does not include Clinical Resource Hubs (CRH)


FL: Clermont VA Clinic (Clermont)
  • Started adoption on 01/2021.
FL: Crossroads VA Clinic (Crossroads)
  • Started adoption on 01/2021.
FL: Daytona Beach VA Clinic (Daytona Beach)
  • Started adoption on 01/2021.
FL: Deltona VA Clinic (Deltona)
  • Started adoption on 01/2021.
FL: Kissimmee VA Clinic (Kissimmee)
  • Started adoption on 01/2021.
FL: Lake Baldwin VA Clinic (Lake Baldwin)
  • Started adoption on 01/2021.
FL: Orlando VA Medical Center (Orlando)
  • Started adoption on 01/2021.
FL: Tavares VA Clinic (Tavares)
  • Started adoption on 01/2021.
FL: Viera VA Clinic (Viera)
  • Started adoption on 01/2021.

FL: Boca Raton VA Clinic (Boca Raton)
  • Started adoption on 09/2022.
FL: Delray Beach VA Clinic (Delray Beach)
  • Started adoption on 09/2022.
FL: Fort Pierce VA Clinic (Fort Pierce)
  • Started adoption on 09/2022.
FL: Okeechobee VA Clinic (Okeechobee)
  • Started adoption on 09/2022.
FL: Port Saint Lucie VA Clinic (Port Saint Lucie)
  • Started adoption on 09/2022.
FL: Stuart VA Clinic (Stuart)
  • Started adoption on 09/2022.
FL: West Palm Beach VA Medical Center (West Palm Beach)
  • Started adoption on 09/2022.

There are no unsuccessful adoptions for this innovation.



Diversity Week 2021 In-Reach at the Orlando VA Medical Center



  • 1 month from Implementation of Initial Steps
    Supervisors nominate one or more employees to serve as collateral duty, service level advocates.
    Employee completes and returns D&I Advocate application and Polo Shirt Order Form.
  • 2 weeks for Training
    Unconscious Bias Training
    Mediation/Conflict Resolution Skills Training
  • 1-2 days for Orientation
    EEO Office staff provides an overview of the EEO Program and Special Emphasis/Diversity & Inclusion Program; shares advocates roles & responsibilities.
    Provide D&I Advocate Appointment Letter and contact/engagement checklist.
  • 1 week Ordering of Supplies
    Ordering polo shirts, marketing tools (ex. keychains, lanyards, etc.).
    Distribute the supplies to each advocate once received.


  • Administration
  • Human resources
  • LGBTQ+ Veteran care
  • Education and training
  • Nursing services
  • Occupational health and safety
  • Building management
  • Chaplaincy
  • Complementary and alternative medicine
  • Emergency care
  • Dental/oral surgery
  • Homeless Veteran care
  • Laboratory and pathology

Core Resources

Resource type Resource description
  • Certified Unconscious Bias Trainer(s) for 2 hours
  • Certified Mediation/Conflict Resolution Skills Trainer(s) for 1-2 weeks
  • EEO Manager, EEO Specialist, EEO Assistant for 1-2 months
  • We created shareable forms which are sent out via email and on our MS Teams page. I'm willing to set-up meetings to spread this program to your site.
  • Service line D&I Advocates
  • The Office of Resolution Management Diversity & Inclusion (ORMDI) staff for Mediation/Conflict Resolution Skills Training
  • Veterans Health Administration (VHA) EEO Managers for Unconscious Bias Training
  • EEO Manager and EEO staff conducted program overview and orientation
  • Innovation Specialist or Facility POC to assist with new innovation projects
  • We are creating a VADIAP Toolkit with all sharable forms and will attach the link to this page.


Support Resources

Resource type Resource description
  • Medical Center Director or Executive Leadership
  • I'm available to meet to discuss the program implementation and processes




Comments and replies are disabled for retired innovations and non-VA users.

VA User (Agent Cashier) posted


VA User (Social Worker) Innovation adopter posted

The training has been very impressive this week. I would like to participate in the WPB VA adopting the Diversity & Inclusion Advocate Program.

VA User (LGBTQ+ Veteran Care Coordinator) posted

Today was the second time I have heard a presentation about this program. I'm so impressed with it and sent a link to my EEO/DEI and SEPM (again). I would love to participate as an employee.

VA User (Administrative Officer) posted

This is really great and i would love to participate. Are you able to share any information on how you obtained the funding for the shirts and give aways?

VA User (Nurse) posted

Great initiative ! Let's spread it nationally!!!

VA User (Equal Employment Manager) Innovation owner posted

By adopting the VA Diversity & Inclusion Advocate Program, the Orlando VA is helping to create a VA culture of diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility!



Email with questions about this innovation.


Origin story

Are you showing up in your life and work authentically each day? Do you really know your work team members? When was the last time you introduced yourself to someone new in your workplace? Would you feel comfortable reporting wrongdoing in your office or work environment? How are you "Standing Out for Diversity and Inclusion" in your community or workpla ... Are you showing up in your life and work authentically each day? Do you really know your work team members? When was the last time you introduced yourself to someone new in your workplace? Would you feel comfortable reporting wrongdoing in your office or work environment? How are you "Standing Out for Diversity and Inclusion" in your community or workplace? Hi, I'm Pam Black, the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Manager at the Orlando VA Healthcare System. Since I was a little Black girl, growing up in the South side of Memphis, TN during the Civil Rights era, feeling the growing pangs of segregation and many of the negative mental-physical-spiritual emotions brought about by racial tensions similar to the ones we're all seeing in the world today; I've always been passionate about helping others and connecting with diverse groups of people. I joined the U.S Airforce two weeks after graduating from high school just so I could escape the black and white world I'd grew up in as a child. I wanted to see more of the diverse and colorful world! As a Veteran and federal employee, I also have a heart of service towards Veterans, women, minorities and Individuals with Disabilities. There have been times in my military, civilian and federal careers where I felt disconnected from my team because I was different, unimportant to those in leadership because I didn't fit their idea of a strong leader, undervalued by my supervisor, discriminated against because of the color of my skin, harassed because of my sex, misunderstood by those who never tried to get to know me, teased because of my Southern accent and kinky hair, held back from training and advancement because of other folks expectations for my career, kept in a box and not included as a member of the work team simply because I am me. I can empathize with those of you who are passionate, intelligent, bright, bold, artistic, creative, innovative, diverse and unique; yet, because you are operating each day within the limitations of an "in-the-box" mentality, you feel hopeless, disengaged, tired and are merely showing up unauthentically to work each day just to pay the bills. I feel your pain! 😊 On my first day of work as the EEO Manager at the Orlando VAMC my new supervisor; the Medical Center Director, gave me a charge to "THINK OUTSIDE-OF-THE-BOX" and then my supervisor assured me he'd support my positive efforts to improve our EEO Program. Well, that was all I needed to hear in order to be my most authentic, intelligent, creative, passionate, innovative, culturally competent, bold, unique, and beautiful self! With the charge to 'THINK-OUTSIDE-OF-THE-BOX" I imaged a workplace where we all would feel comfortable showing up authentically each day. I imaged culturally competent, connected people from all races, cultures, ethnicities, religions, groups, sexes, professions and the like all coming together to positively create a work culture of INCLUSION, DIVERSITY, EQUITY and ACCESS for everyone. My thought was to create a cadre of collateral duty, service-level Diversity and Inclusion Advocates; these full-time employees in the GS-07 to GS-11 (some GS-12 & higher) paygrades would be trained by EEO staff in mediation/conflict resolution skills and they've serve as boots-on-the-ground D&I Advocates to spread all the good news about our healthcare system's Special Emphasis Program (SEP) to their peers/leadership. Many EEO Offices are understaff and some SEPs are not functioning due to lack of collateral duty Special Emphasis Program Managers and low employee engagement. I saw our VA-wide team of service level D&I Advocates performing as members of our Diversity & Inclusion Committee and effecting positive culture change within their work environments. This new D&I Advocate Program is also a great opportunity to have SEPs engagement in every service within our facility. Our D&I Advocates are on the frontlines in their services/units/offices to provide information, share important internal stakeholder POC's information, help the EEO Office staff conduct D&I training in their services, encourage staff participation in D&I observances/events and share cultural diversity training information at the service level. The D&I Advocates are all charged to "THINK-OUTSIDE-OF-THE-BOX" and "STAND OUT FOR DIVERSITY & INCLUSION!" Like the military and other connected groups, I believed our advocates needed a uniform or some type of clothing to identify us as special D&I contributors! I felt we needed a unique identifier similar to the red vests/jackets VA volunteers wear; brown or green shirts some EMS staff wear; blue scrubs for nurses; white coats for doctors, sorority and fraternity colors, or like the military branch-specific uniforms and insignia. I conducted an email voting poll of our D&I Committee and we chose bight Kiwi colored polo shirts and neon rainbow lanyards as our uniform. I also created our VADIAP motto “I AM THE KEY TO DIVERSITY & INCLUSION” which we had printed on keychains we give to all staff who attend our SEP activities. Our program goal is to "STAND OUT FOR DIVERSITY & INCLUSION" in our work areas so staff know they can come to us with concerns or information. Our EEO Staff and Special Emphasis Program Managers wear Royal Blue polos; optional daily, and mandatory during official outreach activities. Our D&I Advocates wear Kiwi polo shirts; optional daily, and mandatory during official outreach activities. We all wear our Kiwi polo shirts on Tuesdays and Thursdays which we've coined as "STAND OUT FOR D&I INCLUSION" DAYS. We wanted colors which stand out and allow staff to know who to come to for D&I info or help with workplace conflict. Since we initiated the new D&I Advocate Program Innovation Project pilot at the Orlando VA Healthcare System in January 2021, I now see the passion my co-workers and fellow D&I Committee Members have for diversity and inclusion; we are beginning to meet and connect with new team members across our healthcare system; staff are more engaged and informed about the EEO Office and Special Emphasis Programs. We're beginning to feel hopeful for a better work experience; we're more engaged in our workplace and local community DEI activities; we're energized to "BE THE KEY TO DIVERSITY & INCLUSION" in our work areas, and we're showing up to work each day authentically "OUTSIDE-OF-THE-BOX" to make a positive difference in the lives of Veterans, their widows, Military Families and on our VA-wide team. Join us in spreading the D&I Advocate Program at your organization; help your team “STAND OUT FOR DIVERSITY & INCLUSION!” Pam

Original team

Pamela Black

EEO Manager

Nadege Jean-Paul

EEO Assistant

Nadege Jean-Paul

EEO Assistant