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Low Vision TeleEye Rehabilitation: Expansion of Low Vision Optometry Rehabilitation utilizing Telehealth

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Veterans with low vision who live in rural communities have limited access to VA Low Vision Optometry Rehabilitation Services, unless they are able to travel several miles to a Low Vision Clinic. When you add the loss of the ability to drive, travel becomes an insurmountable obstacle to receiving Low Vision Optometry Rehabilitation Services. Low Vision TeleEye Rehabilitation Clinical Video Telehealth (CVT) currently allows Low Vision Rehabilitation with a Low Vision Optometrist and a Low Vision Therapist in a timely manner in their home, at a CBOC or rural VA.

This innovation is replicating across multiple facilities as its impact continues to be validated. See more replicating innovations.


7 successful

Awards and Recognition:

iNET Spread Investee, Diffusion of Excellence Promising Practice, VHA Shark Tank Winner


Office of Rural Health, VHA Innovators Network

Contact Team



To begin my story you need to imagine, that you set up this great low vision rehab clinic at the Buffalo VA in 2008, and all partially sighted and legally blind Veterans need to travel up to 200+ miles to you, round trip so you can help them adjust to their vision loss to prevent depression and help them remain safe and independent. Also, studies have shown ... See more


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I began to think outside the box in 2011, because I had telehealth equipment and VA low vision rehabilitation care is superior to any services available in the community. Also, family members and/or friends of the visually impaired are more willing to drive a few miles to a local VA health care facility instead of several miles to a sp
... See more


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Since 2012 my data shows by utilizing telehealth at our CBOCs, Rural VAs and EVEN to the Veterans home, our workload increased by 25%. More importantly this means we were now helping 25% more Veterans throughout western New York who were going without our specialty low vision services since Family member and friends are more likely to
... See more


Chart showing the increase in access for low vision and legally blind Veterans to receive low vision Optometry rehab services

Low Vision TeleEye Rehab data Buffalo VA


  • increase low vision rehab access to Veterans who cannot travel to a specialty low vision clinic.
  • travel mileage and travel cost savings
  • travel time savings for Veteran and their driver

Diffusion tracker

Does not include Clinical Resource Hubs (CRH)


There are no in-progress adoptions for this innovation.

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  • 6 months to 1 year
    Low Vision Rehab Team
    Low Vision Optometrist
    Low Vision Therapist, Blind Rehabilitation specialist or Blind Rehabilitation Outpatient Specialist
    Visual Impairment Service Team Coordinator
    Provider site (HUB)
    Patient sites (SPOKES): rural VA community based out-patient center, rural VA or non-VA community based out-patient center
    Home VA video connect low vision services


  • Low vision and blind rehabilitation
  • Optometry
  • Rehabilitation and prosthetics

Core Resources

Resource type Resource description
  • OPTION 1: HUB & SPOKE service with current staff Low Vision Optometrist 1) Need a centralized healthcare system in an urban setting with an Eye Clinic staffed with a low vision Optometrist who provides low vision Optometry rehabilitation in-person evaluations and capable to expand services utilizing Clinical Video Telehealth & VA video connect. (HUB - provider) 2) Need partially sighted and legally blind Veterans who are able to receive VA care at a: (SPOKEs - patients) a. VA community based outpatient center (CBOC) with telehealth equipment; b. Atlas site with telehealth equipment; c. other non-VA community center with telehealth equipment; or d. to the HOME. 3) Need partially sighted and legally blind Veterans to receive eyecare at a: a. VHA eye clinic, VHA CBOC eye clinic; VHA technology based eye care; or b. Non-VA Optometrist &/or non-VA Ophthalmologist. 4) Need a Facility Telehealth Coordinator to complete service agreements or memorandum of understanding (MOU) if needed; 5) Need telehealth equipment with telehealth clinical technicians or other technician at each Patient site (SPOKE). 6) Goal is to set up low vision TeleEye rehabilitation services where the low vision Optometrist is at the main VA site (HUB) and the Veteran is with a technician with telehealth equipment at the rural site (SPOKE) or at the Veterans home with a virtual connection app. 7) Create scheduling grids and low vision consult with low vision Optometrist (HUB) and technicians at specific rural sites (SPOKES) or to the Veterans home. a. GRID EXAMPLES – Primary Stop code: 439 (Low Vision Care within an Eye Clinic); Secondary telehealth Stop codes: 692 (Telehealth clinics in your VA system (S) for same); 693 (Telehealth clinics in a different VA system (D) for different); 179 (Telehealth clinic in the home); 690 Patient site; PROVIDER Site Low Vision Telehealth Evaluation by Low Vision Optometrist BU-CVT LOW VISION PRO D (439-693) BU-CVT LOW VISION PRO S (439-692) BU-VVC LOW VISION OPTOMETRY (439-179) PATIENT Site XX-CVT LOW VISION PAT (690): Telehealth Clinical Technician at CBOC or another VA 8) Need a case manager, specifically a Visual Impairment Service Team (VIST) coordinator, who reviews and manages Veterans who are partially sighted or legally blind. VIST coordinator alerts low vision Optometrist to review specific Veteran’s chart to make sure clinical information is sufficient to proceed with low vision telehealth services; a. specifically a current eye clinic (VA or Non-VA) report including ocular diagnosis, visual acuity, glasses Rx, Refraction, treatment plan & other pertinent clinical information. 9) Following low Vision Optometrist’s chart review, the low vision Optometrist alerts the technician at a specific CBOC, convenient to the Veteran, to schedule Veteran for low vision TeleEye Rehabilitation evaluation. This could be a comment on Veteran’s low vision consult alerting the technician or completing a telehealth consult specific to the site. 10) Each patient site needs a near visual acuity chart and various magnification devices for demonstration only. The technician stores these demonstration devices and brings them out during the telehealth session, connects the Veteran to the Low Vision Optometrist (provider) utilizing telehealth equipment and follows the guidance of the low vision Optometrist (provider) during the telehealth session. 11) For initial home low vision TeleEye rehabilitation sessions, a copy of a near visual acuity chart is mailed or emailed to the Veteran and the Veteran utilizes their personal magnification devices to demo and discuss magnification. Prescribed devices can be ordered following the initial evaluation and followed-up in their home in the future when they are received.
  • OPTION 2: Buffalo VA Low Vision Optometrist HUB 1) Low Vision Optometrist at the Buffalo VA (HUB – provider) provides low vision TeleEye rehabilitation evaluations to a Veteran, Anywhere, USA (SPOKE – patients), provided a service agreement or memo of understanding (MOU) is signed between both facilities per Facility Telehealth Coordinators. Current Low Vision Optometrist at the Buffalo VA is part time and increasing FTE is needed to expand low vision TeleEye rehabilitation services to partially sighted and legally blind Veterans, Anywhere, USA. 2) Need partially sighted and legally blind Veterans who are able to receive VA care at a: (SPOKEs - patients) a. VA community based outpatient center (CBOC) with telehealth equipment; b. Atlas site with telehealth equipment; c. other non-VA community center with telehealth equipment; or d. to the HOME. 3) Need partially sighted and legally blind Veterans to receive eyecare at a: a. VHA eye clinic, VHA CBOC eye clinic; VHA technology based eye care; or b. Non-VA Optometrist &/or non-VA Ophthalmologist. 4) Need a Facility Telehealth Coordinator to complete service agreements or MOUs as needed; 5) Need telehealth equipment with telehealth clinical technicians or other technician at each Patient site (SPOKE). 6) Goal is to set up low vision TeleEye rehabilitation services where the low vision Optometrist is at the BUFFALO VA site (HUB) and the Veteran is with a technician with telehealth equipment at the PATIENT site (SPOKE) or at the Veterans home with a virtual connection app. 7) Create scheduling grids and low vision consult with low vision Optometrist (HUB) and technicians at specific rural sites (SPOKES) or to the Veterans home. a. GRID EXAMPLES – Primary Stop code: 439 (Low Vision Care within an Eye Clinic); Secondary telehealth Stop codes: 693 (Telehealth clinics in a different VA system (D) for different); 179 (Telehealth clinic in the home); 690 Patient site; PROVIDER Site Low Vision Telehealth Evaluation by Low Vision Optometrist BU-CVT LOW VISION PRO D (439-693) BU-VVC LOW VISION OPTOMETRY (439-179) PATIENT Site XX-CVT LOW VISION PAT (690): Telehealth Clinical Technician at CBOC or another VA 8) Need a case manager, specifically a Visual Impairment Service Team (VIST) coordinator, who reviews and manages Veterans who are partially sighted or legally blind. VIST coordinator alerts low vision Optometrist to review specific Veteran’s chart to make sure clinical information is sufficient to proceed with low vision telehealth services. a. specifically a current eye clinic (VA or Non-VA) report including ocular diagnosis, visual acuity, glasses Rx, Refraction, treatment plan & other pertinent clinical information. 9) Following BUFFALO VA’s low vision Optometrist’s chart review, the Buffalo VA low vision Optometrist alerts the technician at a specific CBOC, convenient to the Veteran, to schedule Veteran for low vision TeleEye Rehabilitation evaluation. This could be a comment on Veteran’s low vision consult alerting the technician or completing a telehealth consult specific to the site. 10) Each patient site needs a near chart and various magnification devices for demonstration only. The technician stores these demonstration devices and brings them out during the telehealth session, connects the Veteran to the Low Vision Optometrist at the Buffalo VA (provider) utilizing telehealth equipment and follows the guidance of the low vision Optometrist (provider) during the telehealth session. 11) For initial home low vision TeleEye rehabilitation sessions, a copy of a near visual acuity chart is mailed or emailed to the Veteran and the Veteran utilizes their personal magnification devices to demo and discuss magnification. Prescribed devices can be ordered following the initial evaluation and followed-up in their home in the future when they are received.
  • For Option 1: HUB & SPOKE service with your current staff Low Vision Optometrist: your cost depends on the number of PATIENT sites you set up. Each patient site needs a near visual acuity chart (~$50 per site) and various magnification devices for demonstration only. If you do not already have magnification devices for demonstration, the cost depends on the demo devices you purchase. Minimum cost can range from $1000 per site up to $3000+ per site. Other teams have used donated devices which reduces cost.
  • For Option 2: Buffalo VA Low Vision Optometrist HUB: your cost depends on the FTE of the clinic time you need from our Buffalo VA Low Vision Optometrist, which can range from 0.1 FTE (4 clinic hours per week) up to 0.5 FTE (20 clinic hours per week). Additional cost depends on the number of PATIENT sites you set up. Each patient site needs a near visual acuity chart (~$50 per site) and various magnification devices for demonstration only. If you do not already have magnification devices for demonstration, the cost depends on the demo devices you purchase. Minimum cost can range from $1000 per site up to $3000+ per site. Other teams have used donated devices which reduces cost.




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VA User (Chief of Service Low Vision Rehab) Innovation owner posted

My manuscript is being published in Telemedicine and eHealth which includes our data.



Email with questions about this innovation.


Origin story

In 2012 I had telehealth equipment and low vision patients who could not travel (up to 200 miles round trip) to the Buffalo VA for our Specialty low vision rehabilitation services because they could not drive safely. Also the Optometrists at the rural VAs or CBOC's did not have time to provide in-person Low Vision Optometry rehabilitation services because th ... In 2012 I had telehealth equipment and low vision patients who could not travel (up to 200 miles round trip) to the Buffalo VA for our Specialty low vision rehabilitation services because they could not drive safely. Also the Optometrists at the rural VAs or CBOC's did not have time to provide in-person Low Vision Optometry rehabilitation services because their Optometry/Ophthalmology clinic is too busy and Veterans were going without access to low vision Optometry rehabilitation services. I had telehealth equipment and an idea which worked in 2012 when I saw my first low vision Veteran utilizing clinical video telehealth. In 2024, my team continues to see 25% low vision and legally blind Veterans who would go without our specialty services if we did not provide low vision clinical video telehealth services.

Original team

Carolyn Ihrig, OD

Chief: Visual Impairment Outpatient Service Rehab services