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Virtual Rehab Experiential Care

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The use of Virtual Reality (VR) in the rehabilitation and therapy setting not only allows us to open doors but also to engage our population in a much more immersive way. Each Veteran experiences a unique and individual connection in the VR environment. This enhances the providers ability to integrate complimentary approaches into traditional care.

This innovation is emerging and worth watching as it is being assessed in early implementations. See more emerging innovations.


1 successful


XR Network



  • To date we have served 250 Veterans and counting with a 100% participant recommended use rate.
  • Reduction in at least one of the follow domains: Stress, Anxiety, and/or Depression at 90% rate.
  • After initial cost of equipment and app acquisition, depending on system, no annual fee.
  • Intervention times can be as little as 15 minutes.

Diffusion tracker

Does not include Clinical Resource Hubs (CRH)


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