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An occupational therapist in blue scrubs is talking to a Veteran in button-up shirt and their caregiver in a yellow dress on a couch in a home.

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The Tailored Activity Program-VA (TAP-VA)

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The Tailored Activity Program-VA (TAP-VA) is designed for Veterans with dementia and their caregivers. TAP-VA decreases dementia-related behavioral symptoms and caregiver burden by engaging the Veteran in activities that are individualized to their interests and abilities. TAP-VA provides VA clinicians with a protocol to 1) identify interests and abilities of Veterans living with dementia; 2) instruct caregivers on how to use selected, tailored activities as part of daily care routines; 3) provide disease education to caregivers; and 4) teach caregivers how to manage their own stress.

This innovation is replicating across multiple facilities as its impact continues to be validated. See more replicating innovations.


January 2007, Drexel University and Thomas Jefferson University


9 successful, 7 in-progress


Health Services Research & Development, Quality Enhancement Research Initiative

Contact Team



Most older adults wish to “age in place” by remaining in their home environment. For adults with dementia, behavioral symptoms such as agitation and aggression can interfere with this goal, and difficulty managing these symptoms is one of the strongest predictors of long-term institutional care. Family members provide 80% of care at home for patients wi ... See more


Dr. Laura Gitlin and colleagues developed TAP based on a conceptual model that views behavioral symptoms as resulting from a mismatch between an individual’s abilities/capacity and their environment. TAP is a 4-month, structured, manualized occupational therapy intervention that trains caregivers to deliver activities tailored to the care recipient’s in ... See more


"Here's How TAP Works" by Drexel University Online


TAP has been implemented in 12 countries, including the United States. Within the VA, TAP-VA has been implemented in eight VA Medical Centers and three community-based outpatient centers in VISN 4. There have been 89 VA clinicians that have completed the TAP training. The specialties of the clinicians trained include nurses (LPN, RN, NP), occupational t ... See more


  • Previous trials have demonstrated statistically and clinically significant reductions in functional dependence and disruptive behavioral symptoms.
  • Previous trials have shown that caregivers spent an average of 3 fewer hours/day on caregiving tasks and 7 fewer hours/day "on duty".
  • Previous trials have demonstrated that TAP saves $231 per month in caregiver’s hospital costs, $240 per month in paid caregiving time, and $1,299 per month in total healthcare costs (patient and caregiver).
  • Efficacy results for TAP-VA implementation through QUERI are pending for the following: 1) reduction in caregiver burden (measured by the Shortform Zarit Burden Interview); 2) reduction in caregiver “time on duty” (time spent taking care of or monitoring Veteran with dementia); 3) reduction in caregiver distress (measured by the Perceived Change Index); 4) increase in caregiver well-being (measured by the Perceived Change Index); 5) caregiver’s perception of Veteran’s behavioral symptom changes over time (measured by the Perceived Change Index); 6) reduction in Veteran’s behavioral symptoms (measured by the Behavioral Symptoms Checklist); 7) decrease in the number of emergency department admissions compared to Veteran cohort that did not receive TAP intervention; 8) decrease in the number of hospitalizations compared to Veteran cohort that did not receive TAP intervention; 9) 90-day readmission rate compared to Veteran cohort that did not receive TAP intervention; and 10) number of nursing home admissions compared to Veteran cohort that did not receive TAP intervention.



  • 6 hours (over the course of 2-4 weeks)
    1) Email TAP@Drexel.edu to register for the TAP online training hosted by Drexel University; in the email, specify that you are a VA employee registering for the training through the SAGE QUERI
    2) Complete TAP's asynchronous, online modules hosted on Drexel University’s platform
    3) Schedule through the online training platform and attend a one-hour, virtual synchronous training with TAP developers
    4) Complete and submit TAP training checklist through the online training platform
  • 1 hour
    1) Download (and print) TAP-VA implementation guide and TAP-VA session materials
    2) Order TAP resource books (Caregiver’s Guide to Dementia: Using Activities and Strategies to Prevent, Reduce and Manage Behavioral Symptoms and Allen’s Cognitive Levels: Meeting the Challenges of Client Focused Services, 2nd Edition)
  • 1 hour
    1) Request CAC upload of TAP-VA consult and note templates into VAMC’s CPRS system


  • Social work
  • Psychiatry
  • Geriatrics
  • Caregiver support
  • Adaptive sports
  • Nursing services
  • Psychology
  • Physical medicine and rehabilitation
  • Physical therapy, occupational therapy and kinesiothology
  • Recreation and creative arts therapy
  • Whole health

Core Resources

Resource type Resource description
  • Clinician that has completed the TAP training. Clinician's that choose to integrate TAP-VA into routine Veteran visits should expect to spend about 30 min per week on additional documentation. Clinicians that choose to complete separate TAP-VA visits with Veterans can expect to spend 2-3 hours on TAP-VA visits and documentation per week. Clinicians can choose the number of Veteran/caregiver dyads they enroll in the program which will directly affect time spent per week.
  • Clinical Applications Coordinator for one-hour to upload TAP-VA consult and note dialogues into site's CPRS.
  • Obtain permission from supervisor, register, and complete TAP training.
  • Identify Veteran/caregiver dyads that are eligible and would benefit from TAP-VA. This can be done individually or as a team (i.e. during an IDT meeting).
  • Introduce TAP-VA to caregiver and if caregiver would like to participate in TAP, schedule initial session. Clinician can provide the caregiver the assessments for initial session in advance so caregiver can complete on their own.
  • Enter TAP-VA consult in CPRS.
  • Complete TAP-VA initial session and document in CPRS.
  • Schedule and complete remaining TAP-VA sessions and document in CPRS.
  • Ensure fidelity of TAP-VA by completing at least 3 TAP-VA sessions with each Veteran/caregiver dyad and completing as corresponding CPRS documentation.
  • TAP-VA Implementation Guide: Provides an overview of TAP-VA including adaptations made to original TAP program, Veteran eligibility requirements, VA-specific training instructions and requirements, CPRS screenshots for documentation, and an implementation worksheet; the TAP-VA Implementation Guide should be referenced for processes and procedures
  • TAP-VA Session Processes and Materials Packet
  • Caregiver’s Guide to Dementia: Using Activities and Strategies to Prevent, Reduce and Manage Behavioral Symptoms (Gitlin & Piersol, Camino Books, 2014)
  • Allen’s Cognitive Levels: Meeting the Challenges of Client Focused Services, 2nd Edition (Pollard, D. and Warpechowski Olin, 2005)
  • Instructions for CAC to upload TAP-VA consult and note dialogues into site's CPRS.


  • Implementation Guide provides an overview of implementation procedures of TAP-VA. Includes: Adaptations, CPRS screenshots, Teams Channel link, and step-by-step implementation worksheet. TAP-VA Implementation Guide
  • Session Checklists and Materials provides step-by-step checklists for each TAP-VA session and all materials necessary to complete the program. TAP-VA Session Checklists and Materials
  • CAC CPRS Upload Instructions provides VAMC or VISN CACs with steps to upload the TAP-VA consult and note templates into a site's CPRS. TAP-VA CAC CPRS Upload Instructions


Optional Resources

Resource type Resource description
  • Site implementation lead for 1-2 hours per weeks to coordinate TAP-VA training and implementation at VAMC.

Support Resources

Resource type Resource description
  • Join the TAP-VA Teams Channel.
  • Attend TAP-VA Monthly Learning Collaboratives the 4th Tuesday of each month from 3:30-4:00 pm EST. The goals of monthly TAP-VA learning collaboratives are to create a space for TAP clinicians to engage with and learn from learn from each other and to build a sustainable knowledge base for TAP-VA.


  • The goals of the TAP-VA Learning Collaboratives are to create a space for TAP-VA clinicians engage with and learn from learn from each other and to build a sustainable knowledge base for TAP-VA. TAP-VA Monthly Learning Collaborative
  • The TAP-VA Teams channel is a forum to ask questions, collaborate, and share resources and ideas with other clinicians implementing TAP-VA. Please request to join group. Tailored Activity Program (TAP-VA) Teams Channel

Risks and mitigations

Risk Mitigation
TAP training commitment approximately 6 hours. Training consists of 5 hours of asynchronous, online modules, a 1-hour synchronous, virtual training with TAP developers, review of TAP training materials, and completion of a TAP case study Clinicians should obtain approval to participate in training from supervisor and complete as time allows in their schedule. There is no timeframe for training completion.



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Origin story

Dr. Gitlin and colleagues recognized that a common challenge caregivers face when caring for a person living with dementia is the neuropsychiatric behaviors they display such as apathy, depressed affect, lability, agitation, and aggressiveness. Caring for a person living with dementia that experiences neuropsychiatric behaviors can contribute to caregi ... Dr. Gitlin and colleagues recognized that a common challenge caregivers face when caring for a person living with dementia is the neuropsychiatric behaviors they display such as apathy, depressed affect, lability, agitation, and aggressiveness. Caring for a person living with dementia that experiences neuropsychiatric behaviors can contribute to caregiver distress, depression, increased care costs, and risk for long term care placement. As a response to the growing number of people living with dementia and the prioritization of developing and testing non-pharmacological approaches to managing behavioral symptoms, Dr. Gitlin’s team developed the Tailored Activity Program (TAP). The Safer Aging Through Geriatrics-Informed Evidence-Based Practices (SAGE) Quality Enhancement Research Initiative's (QUERI) objective is to implement four evidence-based practices in VISN 4 that align with the 4 Ms of an Age-Friendly Health System to improve care for Veterans 65+ and help them age safely in place. TAP was chosen as the evidence-based practice to primarily address "Mentation".

Original team

Connor Warren, OTR/L

SAGE QUERI, TAP-VA Project Manager

Rebecca Brown, MD, MPH

SAGE QUERI, Principal Investigator and TAP-VA Lead

Robert Burke, MD, MS

SAGE QUERI, Principal Investigator