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Generative AI-powered simulations of Veteran personas (SIMs) can be used to train VCL responders more efficiently and effectively than conventional one-on-one roleplays. These SIMs, spanning a wide array of common VCL interactions, offer responders consistent, high quality, repeatable practice sessions that are not possible otherwise. The tool also provides actionable and instantaneous feedback to trainees after completing each simulation run.

This innovation is emerging and worth watching as it is being assessed in early implementations. See more emerging innovations.


September 2023, New York, NY

Awards and Recognition:

Mission Daybreak Grand challenge winner


Office of Healthcare Innovation and Learning (OHIL), Office of Suicide Prevention (OSP), Veterans Crisis Line (VCL)



Veterans Crisis Line (VCL) responders are currently trained by conducting manual, one-on-one roleplays with certified trainers, which can be inconsistent, time-consuming, and emotionally taxing. The consequences of this system are a slow training process for new VCL responders, less-than-optimal service levels for Veterans reaching out to the VCL, and high V ... See more


AI-powered crisis line training modules are resource efficient, consistently high quality, and broadly accessible. With ReflexAI’s training tool, VCL responders can be trained more quickly to handle a wider range of crisis scenarios.


When fully deployed, ReflexAI will save VCL trainers precious time that can be spent on higher priority initiatives, and it will better prepare Veteran-facing VCL staff to address urgent or arising problems faced by the Veteran population.



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Original team

Sam Dorison

Chief Executive Officer

John Callery-Coyne

Chief Product & Technology Officer