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RealizedCare's gameChange product uses guided simulations to specifically target agoraphobic symptoms. The VR-based therapy aims to impact suicide prevention by addressing isolation, allowing Veterans with agoraphobia and anxious social avoidance to learn coping skills in a safe environment. RealizedCare aims to use gameChange to support Veterans by reaching those at higher risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors.

This innovation is emerging and worth watching as it is being assessed in early implementations. See more emerging innovations.


April 2022, Elizabethtown, KY

Awards and Recognition:

Mission Daybreak Grand challenge winner, FDA Breakthrough Device Designation as the World’s 1st Immersive Therapeutic for Serious Mental Illness


Office of Healthcare Innovation and Learning (OHIL), Office of Suicide Prevention (OSP), VA Immersive



Agoraphobia, anxious social avoidance, and isolation are linked to mental illness. By addressing these root causes in the Veteran population, specifically among Veterans at high risk for suicidal ideation, RealizedCare aims to address the problem of Veteran suicide.


RealizedCare’s gameChange uses guided simulations to target agoraphobia symptoms in a safe VR-based environment. Through gameChange, Veterans will be able to practice interactions common in public places, allowing them to practice emotional regulation and build self-efficacy. GameChange was used in the world's first large-scale clinical trial of VR technolog ... See more



RealizedCare’s pilot study with the Wounded Warrior Project’s Independence Program resulted in 80% engagement and significant reductions in agoraphobic avoidance, distress, depression, and anxiety.



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Original team

Risa Weisberg

Chief Clinical Officer

Erin Conwell

Director of Marketing