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Parenting and Problem Solving Group for Veterans & Their Families

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The journey “home” for Veterans can be overwhelming, especially when confronted with unplanned stressors such as; physical/emotional health concerns, relationship/family problems, financial issues and/or employment concerns . These events can become difficult to manage, creating a perfect storm to an already naturally stressful process of reintegration.
VA Medical Centers, clinics and Vet Centers often provide quality clinical care, but there is no program that offers a parenting and problem solving class to Veterans, their partner/spouse and children. This program addresses deployment and reintegration challenges for service members and their families. This program recognizes that parenting challenges are dynamic and change over time and provides resources for the Veteran and their families to reconnecting and re-establishing their roles within the family. The Parenting and Problem Solving Program that Providence VA developed and Boston VA Healthcare System replicated, offers a whole health approach to working Veterans and their Families. The Parenting and Problem Solving Program for Veterans & Their Families is unique and dynamic and focuses on supporting the Veteran and the family unit through multi-system collaboration at the local, state and federal level.

This innovation is emerging and worth watching as it is being assessed in early implementations. See more emerging innovations.


October 2016, Providence VA Medical Center


1 successful, 1 in-progress

Awards and Recognition:

Providence got VISN 1 Culture of Improvemnet innovation Grant and Boston Health Care System (Brocton VA0 received Spark Seed Spread Innovation Grant


Diffusion of Excellence, VHA Innovators Network



  • 1st Group 10/2016: 7 Individuals referred all 7 completed group 2nd Group 4/2017: 5 referred to group 1 dropped out 3rd Group 10/2017 6 referred 5 dropped out 4th group 6 referred 3 dropped out, 2 dropped after 1st classes 3rd dropped ½ way through 5th (2019) class 6 attended, 1 dropped after class 3, 5 completed group. 6th group 6/11/2019 – 8 referred, 2 declined 1 dropped, 5 completed 7th group, 2020 - 4 referred and started 1 couple completed on line individual due to covid 2021 - 9 referrals, 8 completed Number of Health care professions to run the program 2 in Providence , 1 in Brocton, 2 in Bedford

Diffusion tracker

Does not include Clinical Resource Hubs (CRH)


MA: Brockton VA Medical Center (Brockton)
  • Started adoption on 10/2019, ended on 12/2020.

There are no unsuccessful adoptions for this innovation.