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The NeuroFlow solution is an end-to-end technology solution that integrates Veteran user-entered data with electronic health records (EHRs), providing clinicians with remote monitoring capabilities. NeuroFlow offers a measurement-based care solution that leverages evidence-based practices and frameworks for population-level risk management by integrating clinical workflows and user-reported assessments. Veteran user-completed assessments within NeuroFlow’s mobile (or web-based) application are fed into a web platform, enabling patient monitoring and population-level tracking. All the while, risk stratification supports mental health alert functionality within the application. The NeuroFlow application facilitates connection between Veteran users and providers in addition to matching Veterans with services, digital programs, and community-based resources customized to their needs. NeuroFlow is also the parent company of the Behavioral Health Lab (BHL) solution utilized in the VA.

This innovation is replicating across multiple facilities as its impact continues to be validated. See more replicating innovations.


January 2016, Philadelphia, PA


3 in-progress

Awards and Recognition:

Mission Daybreak Grand challenge winner


Office of Healthcare Innovation and Learning (OHIL), Office of Suicide Prevention (OSP)



Gaps in behavioral health prevent Veterans (and civilians) from being able to access the right level of care at the right time.


The NeuroFlow solution is an end-to-end technology solution that integrates Veteran user-entered data with electronic health records (EHRs), providing clinicians with remote monitoring capabilities. NeuroFlow offers a measurement-based care solution that leverages evidence-based practices and frameworks for population-level risk management by integrating cli ... See more


The NeuroFlow application facilitates connection between Veteran users and providers in addition to matching Veterans with services, digital programs, and community-based resources customized to their needs.

Diffusion tracker

Does not include Clinical Resource Hubs (CRH)


There are no successful adoptions for this innovation.

There are no unsuccessful adoptions for this innovation.



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Original team

Chris Molaro


Tom Zaubler, MD, MPH

Chief Medical Officer

Matt Miclette, MPH, MS, RN

VP of Clinical Operations