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Mixed Reality to Manage Phantom Pain (Mr. MAPP)
Share PrintMr.MAPP is a mixed reality system that combines VR and computer vision technologies in a novel technology application. Mr.MAPP employs off-the-shelf RGB-D cameras such as Microsoft Kinect to capture and generate a 3D model of the person in real-time. An illusion of the virtual limb is crafted by mirroring the patient's preserved limb in the captured data using computer vision and graphics techniques. Mr.MAPP framework has successfully solved the following problems: a) capturing live 3D models of individuals, b) generating the 3D model of the missing limb in real-time, c) generating corresponding mirror movement in real-time, and d) rendering the 3D model of the person along with the simulated missing limb for an immersive and interactive experience. Also, to make the therapy sessions more engaging, fun and non-monotonous, we designed an attractive virtual environment and games with engaging tasks.
January 2020, Dallas VA Medical Center
1 in-progress
Health Services Research & Development, XR Network
Recent Updates
Aim 1: Assess the feasibility and acceptance of using Mr.MAPP as a home-based exercise therapy intervention to manage PLP in a pilot sample of Veterans with lower limb amputation.
Aim 2: Evaluate pain and functional outcomes in 10 Veterans with lower limb amputation and PLP, after using Mr.MAPP for 1-month. See more
- Pre-Print publication of Pilot study MedRx Manuscript
- We are evaluating outcomes using the following outcome measures: 1) McGill Pain Questionnaire (MPQ) scores and 2) Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) scores. Functional outcome variables: Patient specific functional scale (PSFS) on which goal attainment on a pre-identified set of 3 functional goals is assessed on a 0-10 scale. Secondary outcomes: 1) Medication use: We will monitor and evaluate medication use for pain control (to include acetaminophen, topical therapies, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications and opioids) to evaluate if improvement in outcomes is associated with any corresponding decrease in use of pain alleviating medications, 2) System use and exercise adherence information will be evaluated using real-time digital data recorded on the system including number of repetitions, dates and times of exercises, as well as game performance data.
Diffusion tracker
Does not include Clinical Resource Hubs (CRH)
1-2 years
Anticipated Timelines and MilestonesCompletion of ongoing clinical pilot research trial-Anticipated Oct 2021Acquiring MR.MAPP software and XR hardware: 6-m to 1-year (Pending licensing and patent application)Learning and training on clinical implementation of treatment protocol: 1-year
- Physical medicine and rehabilitation
Origin story
Original team
Gargi Raval, MD
Amputee Clinic director
Balakrishnan Prabhakaran, PhD
Professor in Computer Science
Elonm (Manuella) Gbedey
Research Study Coordinator
Yu-Yen Chung
Graduate Student Researcher
Thiru Annaswamy, MD
Clinical Lead and Principal Investigator
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