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HIVES- Honeybee Initiative for Veteran's Empowerment and Support
Share PrintThe HIVES Program empowers Veterans to utilize beekeeping as a way to manage their overall well-being and mental health through enjoyable leisure and mindfulness practices.
May 2019, Manchester VA Medical Center
4 successful, 5 in-progress
Awards and Recognition:
Diffusion of Excellence Promising Practice, VHA Shark Tank Winner

Recent Updates
A Quality Improvement project found that veterans experience decreased anxiety and depression, and increased wellness scores, as well as veteran feedback. Veteran’s shared that through the beeping program, they gained skills and practice in managing the symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, and depression while finding a sense of community.
There have been no Veterans engaged in the HIVES program who have had a serious reaction to a bee sting. See more
Providing veterans the opportunity participa ... During the HIVES programs Veterans to engage in mindfulness practice and relaxation skills before and while caring for the bees. This give the Veterans the opportunity to learn skills in a safe and structured setting that they can utilize to manage stressors and difficult emotions throughout their daily lives.
Providing veterans the opportunity participate in leisure activities that are enjoyable, meaningful and gives back to the community, while practicing and learning the benefits of mindfulness, yoga, breathing exercise, etc. keeps the veterans engaged and committed to the practice, the beekeeping team, and the bees, while experiencing the whole health benefits of beekeeping and mindfulness. See more

Veteran holds a frame of bees during the HIVES program at the Manchester VA Medical Center.
Voices of America shares a story about how taking care of bees at the Manchester VA Medical Center is helping Veterans stay grounded and lessen their trauma.
WMUR News shared how Veterans at the Manchester VA Medical Center are benefitting from taking care of bees.
The impact of the HIVES program has been measured using the EQ-5D-5L ... Veterans engaging in the HIVES program showed significant positive changes in anxiety and depression, and overall health scores. Veterans also showed significant negative changes in mobility scales, which is being addressed through the use of hive lifters and alternative hive styles.
The impact of the HIVES program has been measured using the EQ-5D-5L which is a standardized measure of health related quality of life . This measure quality of life on a 5-component scale including mobility, self-care, usual activities, pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression. It also includes and Visual Analog Scale (VAS) which measures perceived health status. This gives us a snapshot of how the veteran is doing in the moment, and can show changes over a short amount of time.
Going forward the program will use the GAD-7, PHQ-2 and PROMIS-10 to measure, anxiety, depression and quality of life. See more
Results from 2021 pre- and post- beekeeping session surveys found significant changes in sadness ((M = 0.28, SD=.667), t(283) = 6.7, p < .001), stress ((M = 0.55,SD= 0.84), t(284) = 8.01, p < .001), anxiety ((M = 0.42, SD=0.74), t(284) = 7.5, p < .001), and loneliness ((M = 0.41, SD=0.64), t(284) = 6.2, p < .001).
2022 Pre- and Post- beekeeping session surveys using the EQ-5D-5L showed significant changes in Anxiety/Depression (F(1, 81) = 11.631, p =.001) and percieved health status/VAS (F(1, 81) = 5.279, p =.024).
- Greg Wortman is a veteran of the US Army. He served three tours in Iraq, and upon returning home to New Hampshire, was confronted by an immense sense of loss and hopelessness. Searching for something he couldn’t quite name, he took a chance on an unexpected hobby: beekeeping. Now an expert beekeeper, farmer, and father, this film explores Greg’s unexpected transformation and path towards discovering purpose, finding hope and a source of healing. To Become-Trailer Coming Fall 2023
- The therapeutic beekeeping program administers the standardized EQ-5D-5L before and after each therapeutic beekeeping sessions. ANOVA was completed on the data from summer 2022 showing significant changes from before to after the sessions in Anxiety/Depression (F(1, 81) = 11.631, p =.001) and overall health/VAS (F(1, 81) = 5.279, p =024).
- The outcome of the HIVES Program is published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Recreation Therapy: Carter, V., Ingrao, A., Bennett, J., and Gould, C. (2024) Healing hives: Exploring the effects of beekeeping on veterans mental health and quality of life. Therapeutic Recreation Journal. 53(4), 413-422.
Diffusion tracker
Does not include Clinical Resource Hubs (CRH)
Month 1
- Set up interfacility consult and/or schedule participation in Virtual Bee School and Hive Inspection/Skills classes.- Determine if hands on program will be on site or off site (this is based on having the approval of ELT in place)-If offsite begin determination of partnership farm/apiary- If on-site determine location -
Month 2
-Advertise Virtual Bee School classes, set up consults and complete intake assessments.-Schedule group to participate in Virtual Bee School Classes-Set up MOU (examples available through Community of Practice) with off site location and purchase bee suits and gloves- Begin purchasing equipment for on site program- Complete site preparation. -
Month 3-6
- Complete intake assessments-Begin Virtual Bee School Classes with first cohort-Complete MOU with off site, or site prep for on site programs.-Gather assessment for hands on programs and virtual classes.- Staff complete Bee Calm Bee Well Training as available.
- Voluntary Services
- Recreation and creative arts therapy
- Whole health
Core Resources
Resource type | Resource description |
- This manual provides all of the information needed to implement a HIVES- Therapeutic Beekeeping Program. The manual does not teach how to keep bees, but it does provide information about setting up an apiary, or finding a partner site, facilitating a therapeutic program, sustaining the program, and examples of clinical notes, mindfulness scripts, and equipment lists. HIVES Manual
Optional Resources
Resource type | Resource description |
Support Resources
Resource type | Resource description |
Risks and mitigations
Risk | Mitigation |
Bee Stings |
Every participant is required to be medically cleared before participating in the program. All participants must wear full bee suits, veils, long pants and socks. If there is concern for a beehive on site there are options: partner with a local farm, bees fly up and away from the hives, and will travel up to 3 miles to forage for nectar; there will be bees on site whether or not there are hives on site. |
Comments and replies are disabled for retired innovations and non-VA users.
Email VHAMANBeekeeping@va.gov with questions about this innovation.
Origin story
Original team
Valerie Carter
Recreation Therapist
VA Augusta Health Care System has a successful bee keeping program through the Outpatient Recreation Therapy Clinic.
Curious to find out if we might add such a program in Iowa City area
Whole Health Team at VA Northern California at the prompting of the CLinical Pharmacists at Redding VA and the PC Pharmacy Chief Dr. Chew are considering a facility wide roll out.
This is great to hear!
I am a VA nurse in Gainesville Fl and I have a farm,would like to start a program on my farm
I had considered moving to top bar hives before selling the farm. It just seems more sustainable, less work, less expense. You would end up with whole comb honey. No boxes and no extraction equipment unless you want it.