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EMPOWER (Eliminating Medications through Patient OWnership of End Results)
Share PrintEMPOWER is a direct-to-consumer communication tool intended to empower older adults to decrease or stop use of high-risk medications after consulting with their healthcare team.
February 2022, VISN-4
5 successful, 2 in-progress, 1 unsuccessful
Quality Enhancement Research Initiative

Recent Updates
- Central Nervous System-Active Prescriptions in Older Veterans: Trends in Prevalence, Prescribers, and High-risk Populations Peer Reviewed Journal Article
Booklet content is informed by behavior change theory and written at a 6th gra ... EMPOWER is a direct-to-consumer intervention in which a booklet is mailed to older adults who are receiving high-risk medications on a chronic basis. Patients are identified from prescription records or dashboards, and booklets are personalized based on the drug(s) prescribed.
Booklet content is informed by behavior change theory and written at a 6th grade reading level, and it was subjected to extensive field testing. It includes a self-assessment about the risks of the targeted high-risk medication, presentation of evidence of harms, statements designed to create cognitive dissonance about the safety of the high-risk medication, education about dangerous drug-drug interactions, peer champion stories of older adults who have successfully switched to safer non-drug alternatives, suggestions of safer and effective alternatives, and questions to bring with them to their next appointment to discuss with their provider. See more

EMPOWER brochure cover page
- This intervention has also been trialed among older Veterans in VISN 22 in a quality improvement initiative and showed statistically significant reduc ... - In two RCTs including 100 community pharmacies and 800 older adults, intention to treat analyses indicated for every 3 brochures distributed, one patient eliminated high-risk medication use for 6 months.
- This intervention has also been trialed among older Veterans in VISN 22 in a quality improvement initiative and showed statistically significant reductions in benzodiazepine use.
- The EMPOWER booklet has been studied both with and without an associated prescriber-targeted intervention, and trials show that it is most effective when paired with a consult note (a form of academic detailing) sent to the prescriber (i.e., 43% cessation rate when paired with consult note, 27% cessation rate with EMPOWER brochure alone vs. 12% cessation rate in controls).
- Other preliminary evidence suggests in-person academic detailing is also effective in reducing high-risk prescribing. See more
- A consumer-targeted, pharmacist-led, educational intervention to reduce inappropriate medication use in community older adults (D-PRESCRIBE trial): study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial Trials
- Deprescribing benzodiazepines among hospitalised older adults: quality improvement initiative BMJ Open Qual
- Direct-to-consumer strategies to promote deprescribing in primary care: a pilot study BMC Prim Care
- Effect of a Pharmacist-Led Educational Intervention on Inappropriate Medication Prescriptions in Older Adults: The D-PRESCRIBE Randomized Clinical Trial JAMA
- EMPOWERing Hospitalized Older Adults to Deprescribe Sedative Hypnotics: A Pilot Study J Am Geriatr Soc
- Use of the EMPOWER brochure to deprescribe sedative-hypnotic drugs in older adults with mild cognitive impairment BMC Geriatr
- Reduction of inappropriate benzodiazepine prescriptions among older adults through direct patient education: the EMPOWER cluster randomized trial JAMA Intern Med
- Number of VA prescribers who are contacted to consider use of EMPOWER for their eligible patients
- Number of VA prescribers who agree or disagree to mail EMPOWER brochure
- Number of Veterans mailed the EMPOWER brochure
- Cessation of prescription fills for target medications after sending the brochure
- Dose reduction by at least 25% after sending the brochure
- Rates of all-cause hospitalization and ED visits after sending the brochure
Diffusion tracker
Does not include Clinical Resource Hubs (CRH)
Planning (1-2 months)
-Identify site champions/point of contacts-Identify barriers to implementation and strategize solutions-Identify site-specific printing and mailing resources-Plan process for implementation -
Pre-Implementation (3-6 months)
-Identify pilot department(s)/team(s)-Locate EMPOWER template in CPRS-Train personnel to use VIONE dashboard and CPRS template-Engage with local leadership and stakeholders to gain buy-in-Organize reoccurring check-ins with key personnel -
Active Implementation (6 months)
-Begin intervention for patients identified as high risk in pilot department(s)/team(s)-Utilize reoccurring check-in time to identify barriers and strategize solutions-Evaluate process measures -
Consolidation (6 months)
-Expand intervention to other department(s)/team(s)-Begin to decrease occurrence of check-in meetings-Plan process for sustainment
- Mental health care
- Pharmacy
- Geriatrics
- Primary care
Core Resources
Resource type | Resource description |
- EMPOWER booklet Antipsychotic
- EMPOWER booklet Gabapentinoid
- EMPOWER Implementation Guide Packet
- EMPOWER booklet Antihistamines
- EMPOWER booklet NSAIDs
- EMPOWER booklet Opioids
- EMPOWER booklet PPIs
- EMPOWER booklet Sedative Hypnotics
- EMPOWER booklet Sulfonylurea
Optional Resources
Resource type | Resource description |
- Educational resource that includes evidence for EMPOWER, deprescribing antipsychotics and gabapentinoids, and evidence-based alternatives EMPOWER Academic Detailing Educational Packet
- Academic Detailing Sign-Up Template Email
Risks and mitigations
Risk | Mitigation |
Poor relationship between implementing departments and academic detailing pharmacist and/or pharmacy team | Encourage representatives from all implementing departments to attend reoccurring check-in meetings to build relationships |
Concern that medication classes are medically necessary for some patients | Use VIONE’s Potentially Inappropriate Medications (PIMS) Dashboard to identify eligible patients and then determine appropriateness of sending brochure on case-by-case basis with prescriber |
Lack of staff to implement project | Start small: identify a champion within each department to prove ease, success, etc. to others |
Lack of time for staff to implement project | Utilize pharmacy’s population management health time |
Lack of buy-in from prescribers | Work with Academic Detailing Pharmacist to take on EMPOWER as campaign; provide education and resources to staff on the targeted drug classes and potential alternatives |
Staff resistant to culture change | Use the implementation guide to streamline the process as much as possible and/or adapt the intervention to local needs |
Competing initiatives | Collaborate with other initiatives (i.e., Whole Health, VIONE, mail in medication) |
Original team
Robert E. Burke, MD, MS, SFHM
SAGE QUERI EMPOWER Primary Investigator
Lindsay Pelcher, MPH
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