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You May Be at Risk - EMPOWER cover page

EMPOWER (Eliminating Medications through Patient OWnership of End Results)

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EMPOWER is a direct-to-consumer communication tool intended to empower older adults to decrease or stop use of high-risk medications after consulting with their healthcare team.

This innovation is replicating across multiple facilities as its impact continues to be validated. See more replicating innovations.


February 2022, VISN-4


5 successful, 2 in-progress, 1 unsuccessful


Quality Enhancement Research Initiative



  • Number of VA prescribers who are contacted to consider use of EMPOWER for their eligible patients
  • Number of VA prescribers who agree or disagree to mail EMPOWER brochure
  • Number of Veterans mailed the EMPOWER brochure
  • Cessation of prescription fills for target medications after sending the brochure
  • Dose reduction by at least 25% after sending the brochure
  • Rates of all-cause hospitalization and ED visits after sending the brochure