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A picture of the contents of a Dignity Bag.  It is a green backpack that shows a picture that says U.S. Veteran with Army boots. It also shows 2 unisex disposable brief's, a packet of flushable wipes, 2 pairs of large gloves, a clear plastic trash bag, disposable scrubs, and education in the form of a trifold flier.

Dignity Bags for Veterans

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Our Dignity Bags were developed to address Veteran's incontinence quickly, discretely, and compassionately in the outpatient clinic setting. Veterans experiencing incontinence in the clinic often felt anxious and embarrassed, with some even leaving the clinic without being seen. Missed appointments are costly to the Veteran and to the VA. Through the Dignity Bags project, clinicians have access to previously assembled supply bundles which include personal hygiene supplies and disposable scrubs to address incontinence and allow Veterans to complete their appointments as scheduled.

This innovation is replicating across multiple facilities as its impact continues to be validated. See more replicating innovations.


April 2022, The Villages VA Clinic


6 successful, 1 in-progress

Awards and Recognition:

Diffusion of Excellence Promising Practice, Nominated for Daisy Award 2022, Honorable mention of HERO Award 2022


Clinical Services



  • Quantitative data has been collected by monitoring the number of dignity bags used monthly. On average we currently dispense 20 dignity bags per month throughout our 6 pilot sites. Qualitative data is gathered to assess patient satisfaction via self-report and greater than 90% of the Veterans express gratitude and improved clinic experience when receiving and using the Dignity bag. 100% of clinic staff have reported increased satisfaction in work experience once equipped with dignity

Diffusion tracker

Does not include Clinical Resource Hubs (CRH)


FL: Gainesville VA Clinic (Gainesville-34th Street)
  • Started adoption on 03/2024.
FL: Leo C. Chase Jr. VA Clinic (Saint Augustine)
  • Started adoption on 03/2024.
FL: Marianna VA Clinic (Marianna)
  • Started adoption on 06/2024.
FL: Ocala VA Clinic (Ocala)
  • Started adoption on 03/2024.
FL: Sergeant Ernest I. "Boots" Thomas VA Clinic (Tallahassee)
  • Started adoption on 03/2024.
FL: The Villages VA Clinic (The Villages)
  • Started adoption on 04/2022.

There are no unsuccessful adoptions for this innovation.