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Audiologist placing the ambient noise assessor on a Veteran, in a sound treated room, wearing TDH 39 Peltor noise reduction headphones for audiological assessment.

Boothless Audiometry

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Hearing loss and tinnitus are by far the most prevalent service-connected disabilities among American veterans, according to the VA's Office of Research and Development. Conventional audiology clinics require sound booths for audiometric assessments. Sound booths are not available at every VA location. This creates barriers to access as some veterans do not have the time or ability to drive long distances for audiology services. Implementing boothless audiometry in community-based outpatient clinics is more feasible and cost-effective than using a bulky, costly sound booth as it can be conducted in a quiet room, ideally equipped with acoustic panels and carpeting, utilizing the same audiometric equipment as the conventional model. Veterans' quality of life is improved by offering boothless audiology services in the outpatient clinic settings. They are better able to communicate with family and friends.

This innovation is replicating across multiple facilities as its impact continues to be validated. See more replicating innovations.


2 successful

Awards and Recognition:

VHA Shark Tank Finalist


Diffusion of Excellence



  • The analysis of metric data collected demonstrates that having audiologists located at the outpatient clinic locations improves access to care. Veterans find the services easy to access, feel they are of high quality, and are satisfied with their visits. FY2020 Audiologist was rated above national average for all measures on the Patient Experience Survey, (overall provider rating, communication, and overall satisfaction).

Diffusion tracker

Does not include Clinical Resource Hubs (CRH)


LA: Fort Johnson VA Clinic (Fort Johnson)
  • Started adoption on 10/2020.
LA: Lafayette VA Clinic (Lafayette, Louisiana)
  • Started adoption on 10/2020.

There are no in-progress adoptions for this innovation.

There are no unsuccessful adoptions for this innovation.



Ease/Simplicity 97.1%	
It was easy for the survey participant to complete what they needed to do.

Quality 94.9%	
The needs of the survey participant have been addressed.

Employee Helpfulness 96.4%	
Employees interacting with the survey participant were helpful.

Satisfaction	96.4%
The survey participant is satisfied with the service received.

Confidence/Trust 92%	
The survey participant's confidence in the VA has increased as a result of this interaction.

V-Signals data from the implementation sites from November 1, 2020 to September 5, 2024: Ease/Simplicity 97.1%; Quality 94.9%; Employee Helpfulness 96.4%; Satisfaction 96.4%; Confidence/Trust 92%